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CCSLC's Own Ben Barnes Hits It Big...


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Ben Barnes Design

I had no clue, but he, in association with RARE design, did the 49ers' new endzone


He also did the 2005 MLS Cup logo, which is one of the most full of depth, amazing pieces of seen in a while.

Maybe that's why he hasn't been around lately. He's also got quite a few new concepts up that he hasn't posted, all of them amazing work, as always.

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Maybe that's why he hasn't been around lately.  He's also got quite a few new concepts up that he hasn't posted, all of them amazing work, as always.

With the negative comments posted concerning his work, I'm not surprised that he hasn't been here in a while.

I think he is an exceptional designer and wish him the best of luck.


"One of my concerns is shysters show up and take advantage of people's good will and generosity".

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Maybe that's why he hasn't been around lately.  He's also got quite a few new concepts up that he hasn't posted, all of them amazing work, as always.

With the negative comments posted concerning his work, I'm not surprised that he hasn't been here in a while.

I think he is an exceptional designer and wish him the best of luck.

I would hope that isn't it. If you can't take negative feedback, no matter how good you are, you probably shouldn't be in this field.

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Maybe that's why he hasn't been around lately.  He's also got quite a few new concepts up that he hasn't posted, all of them amazing work, as always.

With the negative comments posted concerning his work, I'm not surprised that he hasn't been here in a while.

I've taken heat on the board before, and I've yet to go into hiding as Mr. Barnes apparently has.


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Thanks for the compliments everyone on the website. Contrary to what some have said, I haven't gone in to hiding, just been extremely busy lately. Thankfully, being able to work on some of these higher profile pieces with RARE has helped me get some other jobs too. My status has kind of been relegated to "lurker" lately, but I still try to throw my opinion in every once in a while :)

As far as the negative comments go, that certainly comes with the territory. I have noticed that when you make a design for something that so many people have an opinion on, or for a team that is so well known to so many people, there is definitely a lot more emotion in their reactions than to, say, a fantasy concept. There will be positives and negatives. You just try to make something that you feel is good.

I especially knew that with this Niners wordmark there would be differing opinions. We worked for many months with the 49ers organization and the wordmark went through many many steps before we got to where it is right now (there were some really outside the box concepts too), and it was a great experience to have that back and forth with them to come up with something that they really liked and that we felt worked well with their main logo.

The MLS Cup logo was huge for me because it kind of was my first trial for RARE; my opportunity to let them know how I worked with deadlines, how I could work with them, etc. It was an opportunity to prove myself, but since the turnaround was so quick (I had a day after being contacted to come up with not just sketches, but illustrator work), that I really didn't have time to think of it that way. Luckily they liked what I could do and RARE has kept me on to work on other projects, including the 49ers bid.

On another note, it has been a little tough lately. As you may know that RARE is located in Hattiesburg, MS, and priorities have, rightfully, been brought in to perspective with Katrina.

They recently puut up a slide show on their website to show how things are going for them

RARE Design

Anyway I am still around, and it is good to see that there is still a good influx of design here.



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Contrary to what some have said, I haven't gone in to hiding, just been extremely busy lately.

That's exactly what I meant when I said

Maybe that's why he hasn't been around lately.  He's also got quite a few new concepts up that he hasn't posted, all of them amazing work, as always.

That you've obviously been real busy. I dont know where everyone came up with that you ran away because some people gave negative comments.

Wish the best to you bro, keep it up. I, for one, love that 9ers word mark.

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I'm not exactly the biggest fan of hte new 49ers wordmark, I really appreciate that your work is in the mainstream, something that few people could ever do. I

I should add, I really your site, especially the way the eyes move in the direction of the mouse. :)

I saw, I came, I left.

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