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New NCAA BAsketball Jerseys


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Honestly, I don't mind the shoulder yokes on Bama or Georgia. They complete a nice new-age look for them. Not like they have predominant basketball programs to begin with.

As for Florida and Kentucky, those yokes are completely useless. They are so out of place it is rediculous.

On that set, and I must be crazy for thinking this, but I love UNLV's and FSU's jerseys. Probably just me, though.

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I also just noticed that Georgtown has the "G" logo on the upper right shoulder and miami has replaced the "U" logo with the miami scrpit on their green jerseys.

Did you read the Eastbay description? "With the Nike swoosh ..."

HEY! Dummy! It's a Jumpman logo, damm it.

By the by, the Georgetown jerseys have been appearing in Champs stores, and it dovetails with the earlier thread talking about the shorts. Looks like the Jordan brand people are heavily influenced by the color-block artists of the 80s (which yielded this monstrosity):


Think about it. It could have been much worse.

HEY Dummy! Look at the OTHER should above the shoulder yolk


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I'm not sure the picture of the Illinois jersey is what will be on sale this year. I looked at the tag and it was a regular Nike tag. Since Illinois made the Final Four last year, they should have Nike Elite jerseys this year. So I'm still hoping the rumors that Illinois is getting new uniforms this year is true.

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