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Erie admirals..my ibl team


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hey guys and gals...heres my latest work. I'm not really happy with it at all. I think i did a decent job on everything but the head/face. I'm asking any and all of you if you have any suggestions or help for me to make this work, its givnig me tons of trouble. so if you could help out that would be great. HUGE thanks to SyPhi, STL FANATIC, whchoclte, and 49erfan for thier input so far, you guys have been a big help. and without further adou, here it is... ???


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Looks simular to my possible UBL team the Ohio River Explorers. Same font, simular colors (I had a darker yellow), a slightly simular logo idea (with a wheel) and my team name is along the same lines. Good thing mine would be for the UBL and yours is in the IBL.


I must use good fonts, becuase the IBL Pioneers use a simular font to my IHL Jokers.

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No, I don't care, after all there for two differnt leagues. I just find this ironic and funny that we both came up with simular colors and used the same font for a simular idea for a team name.

Anyway's I'm putting my team in NJ, but I think I'll stick with the explorers but I might change.

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Great logo - seems a lot of people are back to using the UCLA color scheme - powder blue & gold.  Good choice of colors.

I too sense the Gordon's Fisherman influence with a bit of "Popeye".  Very Good logo - nice work! :D

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i made some changes to the face, arms and hat...nothing too major, i think its slowly getting better..let me hear your opinions and comments :)

I'm glad that you didn't do anything too MAJOR, seeing as how we're dealing with an ADMIRAL.

:D  :D  :D

Thanks folks, I'll be here all week.  Be sure to tip your waitresses and try the veal!

But seriously, I like the logo and the colors.  I concur that there's a bit of Gorton's fisherman (or the Ol' Sea Cap'n from the Simpsons) in there, but since the only real admiral I have ever seen is John Poindexter (bald guy, bushy moustache, wears bowties when in civilian dress), I guess your example is as good as any.

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