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NHL to get 1.4 billion


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Let me get this right... CTV might have Hockey Night in Canada over there for the Saturday schedule when they do get it ready for say, 2007/08? or later? I jsut wanna know ok...

The story on Friday had one purpose only: to have Bell Globemedia rattle everybody's chans (including the CBC's) over the possibility of a HNIC change. The deal was just an early idea, and no new deal would take effect until the 2008-2009 NHL season (meaning we'll have at least two more years of HNIC on CBC).

In fact, a follow-up in Saturday's Globe and Mail (from the same reporter as Friday's story, William Houston) has a CTV official insisting that no offer has been drawn up yet to give to the league; it's just that they're developing their strategy right now. Also, Houston hints that CBC's current contract may include a "right of first negotiation," meaning the NHL may speak with CBC exclusively before entertaining bids from any other networks.

Something else noted in this new article: CBC owns the Hockey Night in Canada brand name, meaning that CTV (if they were successfull bidders) couldn't use the HNIC brand. Of course, that doesn't rule out the possibility that CTV could make an offer to CBC to take over the brand name. Also, it's hinted that some think the NHL would still stick with CBC for tradition's sake, and also placate TSN by improving their deal (i.e., more Canadian team and playoff coverage). (I can't remember if we've mentioned that last bit somewhere else on the board.)

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There is NO WAY CBC can hold onto there NHL rights now. After 2008, HNIC on CBC will be over. CBC is a run by our taxes, there's no way they can suck 1.4 billion out of us. CTV may not be able to use the HNIC title, but it's got a lot more potential.

Now once it switches over to CTV/TSN (assuming everything goes as planned) they'll practically have a monopoly on all of hockey in Canada!

But they've said not all the CBC cast will crossover. Namely, Ron McLean, who has bad relations with Gary Bettman (just because Bettman can't handle his tough questions) so that story should be interesting too.

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As an American, I love TSN. I wish I could get more it over here!

You already do....it's called ESPN.

No. TSN has more than 10 seconds of NHL coverage. ESPN does not.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Yeah, but it's pretty much the opposite extreme.

During hockey season, it's a wonder they don't call it HockeyCentre. Expect to wait until after the second commercial break to get any basketball highlights (especially if the Raptors aren't playing) or NFL news or highlights.

Having ESPN up here would make for a nice balance, actually.

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Yeah, but it's pretty much the opposite extreme.

During hockey season, it's a wonder they don't call it HockeyCentre. Expect to wait until after the second commercial break to get any basketball highlights (especially if the Raptors aren't playing) or NFL news or highlights.

Except in November, then it's all "Road to the Grey Cup" leading off the show.

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