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Piping on mlb caps


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i'll be the cooler head trying to prevail, and i figure it ain't ugly as all hell.  and i also figure somebody should have that little lightbulb illuminate and say 'hey, having the team wear this for games could boost sales' or something like that.   :D


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It already made a comeback on the White Sox's 2001 Sunday uniforms. The cap was based on the 1917 World Series cap, but they added a logo to it. It was white with a navy bill and one red 'pipe' down the middle and two navy pipes criscrossing in an X like what you see on that Cubs cap. IMO, it works on a white cap. I really liked that Sox cap. Someone should do it just to be unique. (Just maybe not the Cubs... but that was the 1957 version, the very first to feature the cap logo that still remains today. The pipes only stayed one year.)
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I wouldn't be surprised if a team tried it in the next few years. Maybe as an alternate at first, then judge fan reaction. It is a classic look, yet not too drastic, so some team looking for a few more dollars in merchandise might go for it. It acutally wasn't long ago that the Reds had pinstriped hats at home, which they last wore in 1998.  And I also liked that throwback Sox look from a couple years ago.  I bought a hat and a jersey.  Call me a sucker for new merchandise!
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