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Spurs Alternate Concept


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Sorry not feelings this set. The silver bothers me as the primary color here. I don't think that the particular shade of silver that you've used is not strong enough to stand alone.

I once had a car but I crashed it. I once had a guitar but I smashed it. I once, wait where am I going with this?

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I'd like to see someone try to make SAN ANTONIO look good on an alternate for the Spurs. :D

it can be done, and should be on this jersey. i'm not really feeling the new striping treatment, it looks out of place. the Spurs jerseys are so, how do you say it, clean cut. they are very clean, and they match eachother very nicely to create a solid SA Spurs oncourt brand. i think this jersey would really mess that up. maybe make the striping match the home jersey a little more, and put "san antonio" on the front.

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I like the idea, however, if you use that *new shiny crappy uniform material many teams now use, it will look like crap. If you use the tradtional uni material it will look good.

*Look at Bulls black, Heat red, and Mavs alt grey for examples of the new material looking hideous. No matter which way they move the material ripples and makes it look like they just pulled it out of their teenage kids compost pile known as his closet. Hell even where the yolk sews in at the upper breast plate it looks wrinkled.

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