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Take 2 blues


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here's a better mock up. thought of a way to incorporate the other blue on the white, as well as white on the dark. it actually makes it a slightly better nod to the older blues jerseys. i like the way the 2 blues look on the dark jersey, but not the white. same goes for their real ones. so the bottom white is without the lighter blue, which i like better. my original question was if it worked having none of the lighter blue in the white version, and have it as the dominant color in the dark. i mean, i guess i know it doesnt, but i like it better that way...


oh, and hopefully the navy doesnt look black now.

EDIT: what about having the lighter blue numbers and logo on the whie with all navy, in order to have it somewhere? :unsure:

EDIT2: crap, i just realized it looks very close to USA's last jerseys before they went Swift... oh well

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Honestly man, how could this possibly seem like a good idea?

ya know, i dont care. everyone said it was :censored:ty, so i worked on it a little more. arent we allowed to keep working on things and improve them?

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Ok, i'm gonna resist every urge to just cyber-slap the back of your head, and give you my honest C&C...

I like how you switch the colors of the bluenote on the home and away. A little touch that adds alot.

Other than that, it is a poorly executed design attempt that looks like you took the last concept you made for the Blues, took 2 more minutes, and re-posted it.

...now stop it, before i am forced to dick-slap you for the good of humanity......

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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ok, so just cuz you dont like the design, i shouldnt post it? that's BS. close this if you want, but i took a quick make, cleaned it up... how is that any different than any other post on this board?

i'm not trying to cause trouble. i just dont see why this is getting so out of hand when it's the same as what anyone else does. you dont like it, fine. tell me why. dont just say it sucks and not let me work on it

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ok, so just cuz you dont like the design, i shouldnt post it? that's BS. close this if you want, but i took a quick make, cleaned it up... how is that any different than any other post on this board?

i'm not trying to cause trouble. i just dont see why this is getting so out of hand when it's the same as what anyone else does. you dont like it, fine. tell me why. dont just say it sucks and not let me work on it

Not saying you shouldn't post it because it sucks.. many designs are posted that are sub-par. Mine are amongst them (not many, but they are there) :P

You shouldn't post a concept that even you don't care about.

And so now you've taken that same half-assed post, went down to a quarter-ass effort, and expect everyone to give you honest C&C. Why? Because you added a stripe and a third jersey?

Nothing about this design is original, or new, or aesthetically unique in any way. Give a retarded monkey fifteen minutes with MSPaint and that template, and he'd come up with the same thing or something better. Only he'd get a little more praise because he would have put effort into the design.

And that is the crux of the situation. You put no effort into this, so in return, no one will care. We'll just make fun of it, and you. Don't like it? Then put more effort into your design.

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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ok, clarify to me how there is no effort? because i used it before, thought it'd look better for a different team, and made some alterations? i know it's not a big change, but still. and i never said i didnt care about it. sure i did it real fast the first time, it was a late-night idea. i really like this design, hence why i keep going back to it. i only recall saying, and perhaps i didnt say it clearly and came off as not caring about it, but i just didnt like how, in keeping some form of continuity with the light blue, it looked on the white version, so i instead made one that didnt hold that same continuity, which i know could be a weak point in the concept, but i still liked it better and wanted to gather opinions on that aspect.

i'll grant the first was extremely half-assed as in i just recolored an old one and slapped bad blues logos on it. it did look like crap. but it's a simple design that isnt supposed to be extravegant, which doesnt require too much, just a few lines here and there. you could say the blackhawks or redwings jerseys required little effort, they're still 2 of the best. not that i'm suggesting this is. haha. but give me a break. you have to look at it in the context that it's a simple design, intended to be simple. the stuff i added on this one i thought made it somewhat of a mix between their original and current designs.

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Not looking for extravagence. SOme people do, i don't. I'm a traditionalist.

But seeing as how these are juuust about EXACTLY the same jerseys you posted, and you have admitted that the concept you posted was half-assed, you just posted another half-assed concept. And that is simply unacceptable.

Either put 110% effort, or ride the bench.

Don't be the Plaxico Burress of concepts...

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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ugh, ok. the design itself wasnt half-assed. the presentation of the first one was. i admit i didnt take my time with it. i apologize for that. the overall idea was there, just not presented properly. but it wasnt completely half-assed i dont think. it's an easy design. i can agree that it's half-assed in the sense that it's a re-use of an old design concept with minor alterations. if that's what you're meaning by half-assed, then yes it is. i'll accept that half-assery. i just thought it would work better as a blues concept than the other ones i used the design for because it had what i thought to be some connections to the history of the team's unis.

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ugh, ok. the design itself wasnt half-assed. the presentation of the first one was.

Well there's your problem. Design is ALL ABOUT PRESENTATION! It doesn't matter how awesome a design is in your head if you can't execute. You've admitted you didn't care about it, so why would you think we'd care, or take the time to give constructive comments when you aren't going to take it seriously? You're wasting your own time and everyone on this board's. If you're not going to take a design seriously then don't bother posting it, for all of our sake.

The new "concept" is better executed but still lacks originality. All that has changed from what the Blues currently wear is the arrangement of the stripe pattern, and the sleeves are straight stripes rather than slanted. I actually had to look that up to see what changes you made, that's not a good thing. Keep trying to come up with something a little more original, something that's going to stand out in a crowd. If you wore that jersey nobody would notice it was different.

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ugh, ok. the design itself wasnt half-assed. the presentation of the first one was.

Design is ALL ABOUT PRESENTATION! It doesn't matter how awesome a design is in your head if you can't execute.

NOT 100% True, just like you have awesome musician who couldn't write a melody to save their lives...

A lot of Creatives work in teams. (most Advertising agencies do, don't they?) (where would Elton John be without Bernie Taupin???).

Maybe if you want to be a homebase freelancer, you need to be able to render and find creative ways to present your concept.

But a lot of us hang out around here because we don't have ALL that's needed to be one of those artists that can live from their craft.

Some are here to learn, some like to show off, some like to watch, and many generous souls love to help.

I love when someone posts a "napkin drawing" scan and someone else vectorize it - that's collaboration.

Didn't mean to jump on you "Delayed...", when I see "blanket statements" like this it pushes my buttons...

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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ugh, ok. the design itself wasnt half-assed. the presentation of the first one was. i admit i didnt take my time with it. i apologize for that. the overall idea was there, just not presented properly. but it wasnt completely half-assed i dont think. it's an easy design. i can agree that it's half-assed in the sense that it's a re-use of an old design concept with minor alterations. if that's what you're meaning by half-assed, then yes it is. i'll accept that half-assery. i just thought it would work better as a blues concept than the other ones i used the design for because it had what i thought to be some connections to the history of the team's unis.

I'm not willing to say the Presentation was half-a$$-d.

I think most people expect re-design to actually be a little more original, surprise them.

While in "real life" you often see Professional Team doing slight tweaks to their uniforms/logos, this board should be an outlet to experiment.

Generally speaking, I seem to have noticed that "recoloration" projects aren't attracting much positive feedback anymore.

It's fine to start with "safe" concepts, and play around to develop your skills. Post as much as you want, but take the feedback in, sometimes you have to let it "simmer" - not all great meals are boiled or fried.

Also recognize that not all feedback is constructive, so don't take it too personnally - some comments should just be ignored.

[sfx] (music)... advice for the young at heart...

'Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep'.

- Scott Adams

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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thanks. i feel so inspired now. haha :P

perhaps i was relying on the fact that people might remember that my concepts, though few and far between, have never been vastly experimental or big changes from the real thing. i think in more subtle, classic changes. blame it on lack of many fresh ideas, as well as limited photoshop ability, to create something completely different, like what GhettoFarmBoy's doing.

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