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here's something i did in like 15 mins in paint...


Lewj that template is hideous it truly doesn't work

Sorry you feel that way, I made it from scratch, in paint.

It gets the point across doesn't it?

I'd like to see you do better, seeing that you have posted zero concepts, that might be kinda hard don'tcha think?

He's right though. That template is terribel. And yes, I have done better.

There are a zillion paint templates out there. I think you can find one that you feel comfortable with.

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here's something i did in like 15 mins in paint...


Lewj that template is hideous it truly doesn't work

Sorry you feel that way, I made it from scratch, in paint.

It gets the point across doesn't it?

I'd like to see you do better, seeing that you have posted zero concepts, that might be kinda hard don'tcha think?

He's right though. That template is terribel. And yes, I have done better.

There are a zillion paint templates out there. I think you can find one that you feel comfortable with.

I'll be honest....I don't really care for the template either, but you guys missed what he said....He made it from scratch...I can't fault him for trying...The guy is a major contributor to the boards here and he tried to assist in making this uniform set...

I think what Lewj came up with is fine as far as taking the concept and making it look as close as possible to the hand drawn version...Good job...




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here's something i did in like 15 mins in paint...


Lewj that template is hideous it truly doesn't work

Sorry you feel that way, I made it from scratch, in paint.

It gets the point across doesn't it?

I'd like to see you do better, seeing that you have posted zero concepts, that might be kinda hard don'tcha think?

He's right though. That template is terribel. And yes, I have done better.

There are a zillion paint templates out there. I think you can find one that you feel comfortable with.

I'll be honest....I don't really care for the template either, but you guys missed what he said....He made it from scratch...I can't fault him for trying...The guy is a major contributor to the boards here and he tried to assist in making this uniform set...

I think what Lewj came up with is fine as far as taking the concept and making it look as close as possible to the hand drawn version...Good job...


Thanks Mike I appreciate it.

I realize it might not be too appealing to others, but it works for me and it gets the point across. I thought it was pretty good, considering it's from scratch.



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here's something i did in like 15 mins in paint...


Lewj that template is hideous it truly doesn't work

Sorry you feel that way, I made it from scratch, in paint.

It gets the point across doesn't it?

I'd like to see you do better, seeing that you have posted zero concepts, that might be kinda hard don'tcha think?

He's right though. That template is terribel. And yes, I have done better.

There are a zillion paint templates out there. I think you can find one that you feel comfortable with.

I'll be honest....I don't really care for the template either, but you guys missed what he said....He made it from scratch...I can't fault him for trying...The guy is a major contributor to the boards here and he tried to assist in making this uniform set...

I think what Lewj came up with is fine as far as taking the concept and making it look as close as possible to the hand drawn version...Good job...


Mike, the point can still be made that there are better templates available to use. Since comments and criticism is part of the site, asking Lewj to give up using this template is not unreasonable. My constructive criticism of the template is that its aesthetics is a distraction from the concept itself. However, if Lewj insists on using something entirely of his own, then provide what about the template bugs you. For example, my input is people don't stand like that and the shape of the arms and legs are not that of your typical football player.

Lewj, it is a copout to fire back at a critic that if you can do better, blah, blah, blah... Bad is bad, and people know what they like. If you know yourself it needs improvement, take the comments for how they are intended instead of becoming defensive. The comments won't get any better if you continue using the template without heeding any of the suggestions or comments. There is another member of the board that did the same thing, and is infamous for it. Why become known for bad work?


"One of my concerns is shysters show up and take advantage of people's good will and generosity".

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Just to join in the convo, yeah I hate that template. I made this soccer template just messing around, and I think it's better than your template and I've only been designing things for a couple weeks. Football players aren't shaped like that, he looks more like a ballerina and honestly I don't think it gets the point accross because it's distracting.

Great concept tho.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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