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Crosby Injured


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The penguins are facing their toughest test right now with four big guys missing (Crosby, Fleury [though Conklin has done considerably better than him], Roberts, and Eaton)...for them to pull through this will prove many thing for them, and only make them better when these guys return...somebody...everybody...needs to step up for the team to make it through this...like the pens of the 90's did with Lemieux a couple times...including '91 and '92.

...and this could go the complete opposate way and ruin their entire season...

...either way, you have to think that Therrien had some kind of contingency plan in place....

Part of it, I think, is goaltending. Conklin will be played more than he was going to...the pens started him last night, and were probably going to start Sabourin in favor of him tonight to give him a break...that wont happen now. The penguins will need to have a shut-down defense to deal with the great loss of offense if the offense cant quite foot the bill left by Crosby's abscence. Similarly, the offense will need to step up to fill the place of Crosby and keep the team from getting out scored, if the defense doesnt hold up as well as it has (which, barring unforseen events, it has little reason to).

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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Shifting to the play its self,

It seemed like he could shifted himself and not taken the boards on feet first. At least that is what they where saying on the NHL Network last night. We'll have to wait and see what happens, but no doubt this could ruin the Pens season.



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I was thinking that to...he couldve turned or moved his legs/feet out of the way.

EDIT: after watching the video - he wasnt really going fast enough far enough from the boards for edge fabric to be a factor

[random observation of a coincidence] Crosby is the second Pittsburgh star to concede an all-star spot due to a leg injury in the past month (see also: Willie Parker) [/random observation of a coincidence]

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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I was thinking that to...he couldve turned or moved his legs/feet out of the way.

EDIT: after watching the video - he wasnt really going fast enough far enough from the boards for edge fabric to be a factor

[random observation of a coincidence] Crosby is the second Pittsburgh star to concede an all-star spot due to a leg injury in the past month (see also: Willie Parker) [/random observation of a coincidence]

That is the weirdest thing, he really was going that fast. But you know what they say, the ones that look the least painful hurt the most.



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List of players who might or already got crossed out of the game due to injury (or the birth of their child).

Sidney Crosby

Daniel Alfredsson

Dany Heatley

Paul Statsny

Roberto Luongo

Jonathan Toews

Sergei Zubov

So much for the Sens trio playing on one line together...

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Its been a bad week for the NHL, Madden, Heatley, Stastny and Alfreddson are also hurt

Your comparing Madden to Heatley and Alfredsson?

Yes John Madden is one of the best defensive forwards in the NHL. Fortunately he has returned.



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Its been a bad week for the NHL, Madden, Heatley, Stastny and Alfreddson are also hurt

Your comparing Madden to Heatley and Alfredsson?

Yes John Madden is one of the best defensive forwards in the NHL. Fortunately he has returned.

Yes, I realize that. but I don't think the NHL is losing out on much, considering he isn't one of their top stars, or on the All-star team.

Hi, how are you?

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Its been a bad week for the NHL, Madden, Heatley, Stastny and Alfreddson are also hurt

Your comparing Madden to Heatley and Alfredsson?

Yes John Madden is one of the best defensive forwards in the NHL. Fortunately he has returned.

Yes, I realize that. but I don't think the NHL is losing out on much, considering he isn't one of their top stars, or on the All-star team.

Hell, I think you have it mixed up. I wouldn't put Alfie in the same category as Heatley or Madden - two respectable players versus someone who isn't much better than pond scum. B)

Get off your high horse, he wasn't being compared to the only depth Ottawa has, he was being mentioned as another player who has been injured (but is now healthy again) along with Stastny, who you "forgot" to mention in your pointless rant. Believe it or not, those two players are also key components for their respective teams.

If someone was to say that Iginla, Nash and Fisher were injured, how would you take it if some jackass went "Who cares about Fisher, he isn't a star so he shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence as the other two"?

Come on man, you are better than this. Don't be petty.


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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Its been a bad week for the NHL, Madden, Heatley, Stastny and Alfreddson are also hurt

Your comparing Madden to Heatley and Alfredsson?

Yes John Madden is one of the best defensive forwards in the NHL. Fortunately he has returned.

Yes, I realize that. but I don't think the NHL is losing out on much, considering he isn't one of their top stars, or on the All-star team.

Hell, I think you have it mixed up. I wouldn't put Alfie in the same category as Heatley or Madden - two respectable players versus someone who isn't much better than pond scum. B)

Get off your high horse, he wasn't being compared to the only depth Ottawa has, he was being mentioned as another player who has been injured (but is now healthy again) along with Stastny, who you "forgot" to mention in your pointless rant. Believe it or not, those two players are also key components for their respective teams.

If someone was to say that Iginla, Nash and Fisher were injured, how would you take it if some jackass went "Who cares about Fisher, he isn't a star so he shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence as the other two"?

Come on man, you are better than this. Don't be petty.

Well he was saying that the NHL would miss them, I realize that Madden is an extremely important player to his team, but the NHL doesn't realize that, they can't sell their game with guys just like Madden or Fisher, they need the All-stars and if you hadn't noticed Alfie, Stasnty and Heatley had been playing like the all-stars that the league wants.

I'm actually kind of surprised someone of your hockey know-how still thinks that Alfredsson is no better than pond scum :P But then i remembered that you were a leafs fan.

Hi, how are you?

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Its been a bad week for the NHL, Madden, Heatley, Stastny and Alfreddson are also hurt

Your comparing Madden to Heatley and Alfredsson?

Yes John Madden is one of the best defensive forwards in the NHL. Fortunately he has returned.

Yes, I realize that. but I don't think the NHL is losing out on much, considering he isn't one of their top stars, or on the All-star team.

Hell, I think you have it mixed up. I wouldn't put Alfie in the same category as Heatley or Madden - two respectable players versus someone who isn't much better than pond scum. B)

Get off your high horse, he wasn't being compared to the only depth Ottawa has, he was being mentioned as another player who has been injured (but is now healthy again) along with Stastny, who you "forgot" to mention in your pointless rant. Believe it or not, those two players are also key components for their respective teams.

If someone was to say that Iginla, Nash and Fisher were injured, how would you take it if some jackass went "Who cares about Fisher, he isn't a star so he shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence as the other two"?

Come on man, you are better than this. Don't be petty.

Well he was saying that the NHL would miss them, I realize that Madden is an extremely important player to his team, but the NHL doesn't realize that, they can't sell their game with guys just like Madden or Fisher, they need the All-stars and if you hadn't noticed Alfie, Stasnty and Heatley had been playing like the all-stars that the league wants.

I'm actually kind of surprised someone of your hockey know-how still thinks that Alfredsson is no better than pond scum :P But then i remembered that you were a leafs fan.

There is a difference between skill and personality, while he excels in one, he sorely lacks in the other. Thats why I compare him to pond scum, because any player, especially a captain, who chooses to deliberatly shoot a puck at an actually respected captain loses any and all respect he ever had. There is a reason why I still don't like Patrick Roy, and it is because people I know who have met him all tend to agree he is a total prick. Now you know why I hate Alfie, not because he has talent but because his merits of a being a man aren't much greater than a stupid, spoiled brat.


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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Its been a bad week for the NHL, Madden, Heatley, Stastny and Alfreddson are also hurt

Your comparing Madden to Heatley and Alfredsson?

Yes John Madden is one of the best defensive forwards in the NHL. Fortunately he has returned.

Yes, I realize that. but I don't think the NHL is losing out on much, considering he isn't one of their top stars, or on the All-star team.

Hell, I think you have it mixed up. I wouldn't put Alfie in the same category as Heatley or Madden - two respectable players versus someone who isn't much better than pond scum. B)

Get off your high horse, he wasn't being compared to the only depth Ottawa has, he was being mentioned as another player who has been injured (but is now healthy again) along with Stastny, who you "forgot" to mention in your pointless rant. Believe it or not, those two players are also key components for their respective teams.

If someone was to say that Iginla, Nash and Fisher were injured, how would you take it if some jackass went "Who cares about Fisher, he isn't a star so he shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence as the other two"?

Come on man, you are better than this. Don't be petty.

Well he was saying that the NHL would miss them, I realize that Madden is an extremely important player to his team, but the NHL doesn't realize that, they can't sell their game with guys just like Madden or Fisher, they need the All-stars and if you hadn't noticed Alfie, Stasnty and Heatley had been playing like the all-stars that the league wants.

I'm actually kind of surprised someone of your hockey know-how still thinks that Alfredsson is no better than pond scum :P But then i remembered that you were a leafs fan.

There is a difference between skill and personality, while he excels in one, he sorely lacks in the other. Thats why I compare him to pond scum, because any player, especially a captain, who chooses to deliberatly shoot a puck at an actually respected captain loses any and all respect he ever had. There is a reason why I still don't like Patrick Roy, and it is because people I know who have met him all tend to agree he is a total prick. Now you know why I hate Alfie, not because he has talent but because his merits of a being a man aren't much greater than a stupid, spoiled brat.

So you don't like Tie Domi?

Hi, how are you?

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So you don't like Tie Domi?

When I met him he was very nice to me. Others I know who have met him in bars also all tend to like him. So no, I do like Tie Domi.

Hitting others and shooting pucks are different things - hitting players is part of the game while shooting pucks deliberatly at players who are not the goalie is not.


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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So you don't like Tie Domi?

When I met him he was very nice to me. Others I know who have met him in bars also all tend to like him. So no, I do like Tie Domi.

Hitting others and shooting pucks are different things - hitting players is part of the game while shooting pucks deliberatly at players who are not the goalie is not.

Shooting the puck is an ugly thing to do, no doubt about it, but I don't know, my gut is telling me that what #28 did to said respected captain is much worse.

Ugly Hits, it's a bit into the vid.

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So you don't like Tie Domi?

When I met him he was very nice to me. Others I know who have met him in bars also all tend to like him. So no, I do like Tie Domi.

Hitting others and shooting pucks are different things - hitting players is part of the game while shooting pucks deliberatly at players who are not the goalie is not.

Shooting the puck is an ugly thing to do, no doubt about it, but I don't know, my gut is telling me that what #28 did to said respected captain is much worse.

Ugly Hits, it's a bit into the vid.

Oh I remember the elbow which led to the 8 game suspension, but you have to remember Domi wasn't a captain, like Alfie is. They are supposed to set an example, albeit a positive one, and he failed to do so. Domi wasn't a captain and as such, was not in a position where he had to be the leader of the team and set an example. That is the difference between the two.


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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So you don't like Tie Domi?

When I met him he was very nice to me. Others I know who have met him in bars also all tend to like him. So no, I do like Tie Domi.

Hitting others and shooting pucks are different things - hitting players is part of the game while shooting pucks deliberatly at players who are not the goalie is not.

Shooting the puck is an ugly thing to do, no doubt about it, but I don't know, my gut is telling me that what #28 did to said respected captain is much worse.

Ugly Hits, it's a bit into the vid.

Oh I remember the elbow which led to the 8 game suspension, but you have to remember Domi wasn't a captain, like Alfie is. They are supposed to set an example, albeit a positive one, and he failed to do so. Domi wasn't a captain and as such, was not in a position where he had to be the leader of the team and set an example. That is the difference between the two.

So it's less disgusting because he doesn't have a sewn on letter on his chest, Ok I think I get it now.

You do realize you keep we keep switching arguements :P

Hi, how are you?

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