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Sir Saint coming back?


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Did a search, didn't find any Saints-specific threads in the last several months, so maybe this little tidbit from this morning's Uniwatch can start a new one:

Good times last week in New Orleans, what with all the crawfish, beignets, cool neon signage, evocative graffiti, and awesome music. There was also a great Uni Watch moment on Wednesday afternoon, as I was having drinks on the porch of the Columns Hotel and found myself sharing a table with Cindy Hart, who happens to be Director of Suite Sales for the Saints. If you look closely at that pendant on her necklace, you?ll see that it?s the Saints? original cartoon logo character. ?His official name is Sir Saint,? Cindy explained. ?We?re bringing him back into circulation.? Indeed, I saw the Leno-chinned character on a few window decals around town. I always loved Sir Saint (even if I didn?t know his name until now), and it?s great to see him back on active duty. ?

I'm all in favor of this. I love the old mascot logos, and in the absence of a literal interpretation of "Saints" I'm happy to see more of him.

So we have the Browns resurrecting the Brownie, and the Saints' Sir Saint. Could an updated "Heisman Packer" be far behind?

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Yep. I've noticed a round town a lot more use of the old Sir Saint, who goes back about as far as the franchise itself. Things like t-shirts, Saints ads, etc. And last year, all season ticket holders got this decal for their car:


It is what it is.

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For the longest time, I thought it was Snoopy with his eye closed, wearing a Saints helmet, especially when I only saw it scaled down. I could never figure out a connection to Peanuts and the Saints. I'll go back to my cave now.


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