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Pacman's Probably Not Gonna Get Reinstated Any Time Soon.


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kid is sooooo rebellion

Is that a sentence?

if it is, is that english?

if that's a question as to my lack of punctuation, i suggest you check out the bottom of my sig.

as for english...according to pacman it is. as in his quote, "i'm just being rebellion"

oh, no it wasn't about punctuation. haha

thanks for the explanation. :P

You know, I rarely visit ccslsc anymore. I really should fix that.

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kid is sooooo rebellion

Is that a sentence?

if it is, is that english?

if that's a question as to my lack of punctuation, i suggest you check out the bottom of my sig.

as for english...according to pacman it is. as in his quote, "i'm just being rebellion"

You're the Pacman Jones of grammatically-correct posting.

Sigs are for sissies.

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Which apparently would make Adam 5% of the gambler that the Chuckster is.

It's like a memo went out to Vegas lately: collect on athletes!

48142444846_3aa6afbd89_m.jpgNCAA Baseball Champions | 2014, 2019 


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lol, the Pacman can't catch a break

If he was a team he would be the Atlanta Falcons

I'd say he's more of the Bengals than the Falcons.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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