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Da Ocho Cincos


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Ok, before I say anything, this is basically my first concept and i do not have photoshop or even publisher or paint, so i did this all in powerpoint, using basically 100% wordart, but i would just like some help with this sucky concept i got


Most of it is self-explanatory, on the third logo, thats an "o" with a "c" in it ("o"cho-"Cincos") and then a sombrero since its spanish

(btw, big shoutout to rmred for helping me with the sombrero in the trietary.

how do i make the pic bigger?

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Not a mac user myself but I am sure you can find a free paint like app for whatever Mac OS you are using. Google will find you something I am sure ;)

Heh, not really. The reason I stopped doing concepts was because after I got a Mac, I couldn't find a program that can hold a candle to MS Paint.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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try irfanview.com

I think it might have mac downloads.

But then you can print screen=> paste to irfan view => save as any filetype

Did you originally save as .bmp?

Because one of my problems used to be that I saved as .bmp and photobucket automatically resizes .bmp fromat.



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Download pain.net (www.getpaint.net) is like photoshop but free.

Anyway. Great concept! way to be creative and use what you have! How did you do the jersey?

ill check that out, and thanks for the compliment. I took a template for the atlanta falcons jersey(i think lewj's, not positive) a

ndtook out the red in the shoulders, then i put an orange square from autoshapes behind the shoulders, so the orange showed up.

try irfanview.com

I think it might have mac downloads.

But then you can print screen=> paste to irfan view => save as any filetype

Did you originally save as .bmp?

Because one of my problems used to be that I saved as .bmp and photobucket automatically resizes .bmp fromat.

ill try this too, i'll check to see what i saved it as, thanks, cuz i have that problem a lot.

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