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Oklahoma City Thunder Concept


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aao - the thunder wordmark is really, REALLY nice - the "t" mark is solid, as well (although i think i'd prefer it without the ball...maybe just a scaled down cloud behind it) but the OKC just doesn't flow...other than the "o", none of the letters even resemble anything in the thunder wordmark (or the oklahoma city font) - the OKC needs a lot of attention

the gold spot on the ball (i'm guessing it's a cloud in front of the ball)? really bugs the hell out of me for some reason, too - it seems like if it were a cloud, the seems of the ball wouldn't show through...right now it just looks like a multi-colored ball or a ball with a gold spot on it...neither of which make much sense to me

and i'm with rtrich...the lightning going up from the ball looks unnatural and makes the logo way too busy for my personal taste...i wonder how it might look with no bursts at all coming from the ball (but keeping the smaller bursts on the clouds)

if you decide to tweak this, it could be really nice...

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that shaded area on his face is bugging me. i know it is supposed to be a form of shading...but I think it takes away from the design and looks like it was given up on here. don't get me wrong, it can often work, but with that straight angle from the nose to beard, it leaves something to be desired...the dark area can work in some capacity there, but I think the other half of the mustache and maybe mouth should be extended some to matchup with the rest.

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that shaded area on his face is bugging me. i know it is supposed to be a form of shading...but I think it takes away from the design and looks like it was given up on here. don't get me wrong, it can often work, but with that straight angle from the nose to beard, it leaves something to be desired...the dark area can work in some capacity there, but I think the other half of the mustache and maybe mouth should be extended some to matchup with the rest.

Not a bad secondary, but the Mjollnir-esque "T" in Thunder (intentional or not, it looks somewhat like a hammer) doesn't fit with Zeus. Problem is if you switch him to Thor you get too close to the CBA Quad City Thunder.

I bounced these concepts over on SoonerFans.com, and have been very well received other than the colors. Most of the folks on that board aren't real thrilled with the name, but sure liked the way you've jazzed up the logo/jerseys. OKC folks are used to the rather plain concepts used by the Wichita Thunder, and your work is certainly a step up, and like many have said, probably better than whatever they end up going with.

As for the OKC wordmark, one that's been used by the City in the past (70s-80s) is this interlocking version (sorry for the quality). I know many around here dislike derivative work, but incorporating your existing OKC wordmark elements into the city logo might have some potential, perhaps "bolting" the K...


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I think these look great. The colours work well together and the looks are awesome. I wouldnt mind seeing OKC in these.

My personal opinion though; "Thunder" doesnt seem like a pro sports team name. It seems more amateur, WNBA/AFL ish to me.


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I don't like the update. First off, you can't "see" thunder...so adding it wasn't very necessary...not only that, but it doesn't flow with the rest of the design- it looks like an afterthought just jagging out of the wordmark. The original was better BUT I might could see the clouds staying...but even they seem pointless.

The secondary seems to busy as the hand just appears out of the T. I like the original secondary better, only again, it also is busy...less clouds would improve the original.

EDIT: I realized most of my comments were a tad negative so I wanted to say that I do love the concept as a whole. The Zeus character looks great overall and personifies the name well- it will probably be much better than what the team actually decides to go with.

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ouch. but I'm glad those were posted...because I knew I didn't care for the shading on the OKC Zeus's face- that one above is much better, although I like the improvements made on the robe.

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Thanks Steve-O, I'm well aware of what's in my portfolio.......

There's nothing wrong with putting better use to a logo. The Chicago Blast was a concept for what was then going to be the WNBA's Chicago Sky.

The UMA Thunderbolts aren't even a real college--but a fantasy team logo, for college fantasy football.

Still MY work. Just found a better spot for both. And reworked them some, revisited certain areas. :rolleyes:

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You know I dig your work but I guess I am just greedy and want to see something new. I like the advancements you've made on the "zeus", his face looks great (although I'd like to see you use his new eye structure with is old moustache) and I like the changes to his hand. Just put your mind out there and churn out something totally original (even to yourself) for the thunder. I bet you could put out a top notch package when you start from scratch with this identity.

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Not to renege on my previous compliments, but part of the first primary is a little unsettling since I've been reacquainted with this logo:


Not that they're entirely similar, but the comparisons could be drawn if the NBA went that way, and I don't think that it's good for the parent company (NBA) to resemble its subsidiaries (WNBA) in logos that the subsidiary had first.

Still a great logo, but after seeing the Shock logo... one makes me think of the other in a not-entirely-good way.

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Not to renege on my previous compliments, but part of the first primary is a little unsettling since I've been reacquainted with this logo:


Not that they're entirely similar, but the comparisons could be drawn if the NBA went that way, and I don't think that it's good for the parent company (NBA) to resemble its subsidiaries (WNBA) in logos that the subsidiary had first.

Still a great logo, but after seeing the Shock logo... one makes me think of the other in a not-entirely-good way.

you beat me to it. that's what i was heading into this thread to say. i'm not a big wnba follower, so i didn't make a connection first time i saw this concept, but then i saw the logo on ESPNEWS.

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you beat me to it. that's what i was heading into this thread to say. i'm not a big wnba follower, so i didn't make a connection first time i saw this concept, but then i saw the logo on ESPNEWS.

Yeah, I was just reminded of it with that WNBA fight and I saw the logo. I doubt it was intentional, but...


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Comparable, yes. I did know when doing the logo there would be similarity to the Shock. The ball is different. The only thing the Shock logo lacks are the clouds. Still different. I mean, look at the Clippers' logo, then the Lakers logo. :D

I know Steve-O, I'm sure I could come up with something different. It's just hard to sometimes once you've already done something along those lines.

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I have heard that they may go with a Bison in the Logo. FYI

I like what you have done though.

Hm...perfect.....in that case maybe i'll pay a revisit to my Colorado Buffaloes concept:


If you do "revisit" these you should re-work your bison's look. It just doesn't look very "bison." I think using one to symbolize thunder would be perfect for OKC though.


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