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Music from NFL Films


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I have both "Power & Glory" single CD and the 10 cd volume set. I am partial to the first 4 or 5 disks in that set. I know they all have different names to the songs, and I don't recall them offhand, but I love the older stuff. I guess being born in the mid 60s and growing up in the 70s watching NFL Films shows on tv before the advent of ESPN reminds me of seemingly simpler times when all of my family was still alive and/or part of my life.

Ripping good stuff!

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International Statement. Hands down. I know it's not officially NFL Films and it was used on NFL Primetime, but nothing tops that for me.

Here is someone playing it on their keyboard:


I'm sure it's on the web, I just haven't looked to track it down.

On edit:


International Statement:


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Roundup...and the remix of Roundup.....both the best there ever were. I pop in The Power and The Glory on long drives out of town, and to the occasional Saints game when I'm in NOLA, and I get goosebumps every time I listen to it.


If you inherit Randy Johnson's facial genes, he owes you $97,000 at the very least.
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I hate the Raiders too but it does give you chills to hear that poem

Not surprisingly, I'm partial to

"Lombardi. A certain magic still lingers in the very name.

It speaks of duels in the snow and cold November mud."


I love the music behind that phrase. A modernized hip version of "Greensleves" as well as The Pony Soldiers, and "the Cossacks" (Phushe Plujoie) .

"Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc!:  "After this, therefore, because of this."


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"Magnificent Eleven" is my top favorite, followed by one whose title escapes me, it seems like it has the word "Quest" in there....but anyways yeah I just love those pieces...keep in mind im 16 and usually am a rocker but anytime I get to listen to those pieces, I take it. I just love that music.

Jimmy Eat World



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what's this called?

I believe that's Beethovan's 9th

Actually its,

"O Fortuna"

Written by Carl Orff

From the Opera "Carmina Burana"

Performed By The Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Chorus


thanks. don't know for a fact if it's in any nfl films. all i know is it's similar to some nfl films stuff and i like it a lot.


koizim said:
And...and ya know what we gotta do? We gotta go kick him in da penis. He'll be injured. Injured bad.

COYS and Go Sox

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thanks. don't know for a fact if it's in any nfl films. all i know is it's similar to some nfl films stuff and i like it a lot.

Don't know if it has been used by NFL Films, but I wouldn't be surprised. It's the most over-used piece of classical music. Hands-down.

Can't begin to count the number of commercials, films, film trailers and sporting events in which it appears.

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