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5 New NCAA Football Teams


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Okay, lots of good work here. But I'm not a fan of having them all adhere to the same basic template.

Hawaii: I like the idea. Simple, and more of an emphasis on green. But that silver alternate just doesn't work. Not enough contrast, and it really doesn't fit in with the color scheme.

Florida: Way too busy. I like the sleeve striping (its what they currently have), but the piping on the chest is really obtrusive. Tone it down a notch or two, eliminate that ghastly black alternate, and you're golden.

Minnesota: I like the basic simplicity, and it's a lot like the current one (a good thing). Not really any complaints.

UCLA: Good changes for the most part, but the sides of the jersey and pants don't match up on the home and road. Just eliminate that sort of..chunk, and just keep the piping. I like the "throwback", and the blue and white pants are nice. Make the UCLA on the helmet powder blue, also.

Virginia Tech: A lot like the current ones, but they're nice enough. But no way for that black alternate. It's not in their color scheme, and doesn't look so hot anyways.


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Ok first off, and I'm guilty of this in the past as well, your templates are all very similar/identical. The template itself isnt the best either. I dont really get the whole combining old style striping with modern piping, like you did with Florida. You're biggest miss was definitely Florida, though I do think they should switch to that helmet.

You have to be very very careful when using that vertical modern design that runs down into the pants...always because things like color confliction (which you had a few times in here) occurs. My advice would be to simplify big time.

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Overall these are pretty well done. I do agree with logo in that you used the same uniform style with every team. IMO it looks strange seeing the same side panel for each team. I'm not a fan of the all silver Hawai'i uniform. It is just to dull, needs color. I am aslo not a fan of the all black Florida. I never understood teams having black jerseys just to have one when black is not a part of their color scheme. That can be said for the Virginia Tech set as well, even though that is my favorite out of all of these.

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Oh, it's black third jersey guy. Here's an idea: make every team in the NCAA have the exact same template. <_< I'd like to see a little creativity, here, the template might be fine for one concept, but five? I know nike has plenty of teams in the same template right now, but that isn't a good thing. That being said, you didn't choose a very good template for all of these. The way the piping curves one way, then eventually goes back to the original position, is pretty awkward, and doesn't look particularly good at all in my mind. Florida having two blue jerseys, the only difference being number color, is extremely stupid and pointless. The black alt looks terrible for them, as well as VT. And you completely ruined UCLA's classic look. Sorry to be harsh, but that's my honest opinion.

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Gators - I'd like to see the gator head on the helmets for once, just to see how it would look.

VT - Sleeves look plain without logos or numbers on them.

UCLA - Throwback alternate should be kept as primary.

Minnesota - I'd try to incorporate maroon or gold pants to the primary away uniform.

Hawaii - I prefer the green helmet.

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Hawaii and UCLA are in... the Pac 12? And is that a 12 instead of an 11 in the Big Ten logo?

Just curious why you did that...

Hawaii: Dont like the silver at all for them. I think you should just stick with green, black, and white... The unis are great though. Probably my favorites.

Florida: It's like Florida's real unis had a kid with under armour ones haha. Like the use of the more modern wordmark/numbers, but not diggin the piping. Lose the piping and I think these would be really good. NO BLACK FOR FLORIDA

Minnesota: These would be my favorite, but the awkward way the piping goes down the jersey kills it. If you could tweak it so the jerseys and pants could all be interchangeable (lose the piping, or just change the direction they go), these would be perfect. Great job.

UCLA: Helmet is ATROCIOUS. And they are a team that just doesn't need piping, or slashes of color on the pants. I kind of like the blue pants for some reason though... Try modeling them all after the home alt version. Those would look pretty sharp i think.

Virginia Tech: These are very good also, except for the weird way the piping goes down again. If you could change the way the piping looked, so that pants and jerseys coud be interchangeable, I think they'd be very good. Like the white alt too. NO BLACK FOR VT

Overall, pretty good job

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