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Houston, we have a(nother) concept...


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As Monty Burns would say, that concept is "exxccellent". It almost looks like the copper is orange, but it fits well. I really liked the mid-90s star logo and color scheme, and that is probably the 2nd best look the Astros have had (next to the orange/blue, but I digress). The orangy-copper, to me, is a tip of the hat to the orange of the 60s-80s, while the most simple color scheme, black and white, is something that may need to be used more in sports. Great job.

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Cool...looks like this is gettin' there now, don't it???

I went back and tried two or three renderings with the front numbers, and oddly enough, it seemed like a bit of overkill, so I think Imma leave the front numbers off this one.

To echo mcrosby, I, too, was aware once I re-rendered this that similarities between this set and the SF Giants set were a bit inevitable. (I don't think the 'Stros play in the NL West though, do they--NL Central???) But, given what I was going for, it was a calculated risk. It's also what prompted the green-tinged silver. And, to the guy that caught the slight tip-of-hand to the orange of yesteryear, nice way to state what I didn't outright...lets me know that idea worked a lil' bit!

I'll wait and see if anyone else has anything to add to this before I attempt any further updates...this is fast becoming one of my favorite concept sets that I've completed in all my time here.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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Brandon, I think you're close on this, very close...

However, I think the copper needs to be redder, almost a rust color(still much more orange than their current brick), and for the black, how about muting it a little bit? The kind of shade where some people will see a VERY midnight blue, others will see a very deep purple, and others will see black.

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Bucco, you're right about the 'stros being in the NL central, as opposed to the west like the Giants. It may just be my monitor, but I don't see very much of the green tint you speak of. I love the idea of the green or blue tint to differ your concept from the Giants, and also love the copper+blue/green. I'd love to see a bit more of a tint, something we haven't really seen before, something 'modern'.

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