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L.A. Quails


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I thought I'd wait until some of the other draw brawl submissions died down.

I wanted my concept to be unique so I chose a unique colour scheme and name. The quail is the state bird of california and I thought it would work well for this team, this entry finished third in tier 2.


I'd love some comments.

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the Q is what really popped out at me first. i loved that you used california as the notch on the Q. i also like the script, with the blue notches in it and such. your team name is unique, but.....

the unique colors, though, seem dull. something about brown and dull blue makes me think quail poop. :D maybe keep the brown and use a different color to accent it, and make it less dull, for the lack of a different word.

i think everyone is posting their drawbrawl concept except me.

well i have a good reason, mine isnt nearly as great as many of the concepts ive seen so far. :D



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the Q is what really popped out at me first. i loved that you used california as the notch on the Q. i also like the script, with the blue notches in it and such. your team name is unique, but.....

the unique colors, though, seem dull. something about brown and dull blue makes me think quail poop. :D maybe keep the brown and use a different color to accent it, and make it less dull, for the lack of a different word.

i think everyone is posting their drawbrawl concept except me.

well i have a good reason, mine isnt nearly as great as many of the concepts ive seen so far. :D

hey bro

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I thought I'd wait until some of the other draw brawl submissions died down.

I wanted my concept to be unique so I chose a unique colour scheme and name. The quail is the state bird of california and I thought it would work well for this team, this entry finished third in tier 2.


I'd love some comments.

I have to agree I like the use of California for the leg on the Q but I think you've missed a trick with it. Look at the square shape at the top of the state and look at the negative space under the bar of the A in your secondary. You could easily rotate California slightly so those to two shapes become one and remove the ugly overlap you have right now.

In the primary I think the shape of the bird is great but again look at varying the width of the outline round the bird! Use it to suggest light and shade, thinest at highlights and thickest underneath where the bird would be in shadow. I'd also make the eye slightly bigger and look at perhaps reducing the number of highlights on the bid but make them slightly bigger as I'm not sure how well all that fine detail will hold up when reduced in size or seen from a distance.

It's an original idea and congrats on landing third in tier 2 of the Draw Brawl, well deserved.


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I have to hand it to ya, I don't think I have ever seen light brown, brown, and grey as a combo before on uniforms. Kudos for original thinking in my book; however, I don't think it really works. I agree with RIP that the colors are too dull. I like the browns, but I would darken up the dark brown some more. I think you are fine on the lighter brown, or sand, whatever you want to call it. I think the concept could work with the 2 browns alone, or pairing a third more complimentary color with it. The grey just clashes in my opinion.

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This is really original on a few levels, starting with the nickname and colors. The Q is really clever, although I think you need to outline it to separate the "leg" from the quail. I'm also not sure such large "LA" letters work on the alternate, to have to alter the "leg" color in order to place it over the letters.

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I'm gunna keep it plain and simple. I hope no one minds me saying this but... that alternate is BAD ASS. I thought that was the best part of your concept. that and the color scheme. The quail in the primary could use some work but I think its a solid start to say the least. great work, I would have voted for you if I wasn't a participant.


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