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The Final Score only Masks how big of blowout it was.

UConn was up 25 at one point. GT caught up while UConn missed soem free throws but only got it under 10 in final minute.

Had they got under 10 with 5 mins left then that woudl be different.



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Them coming back form 26 down, to get as close as 7 is EXACTLY my point. An 'outclassed' team simply CANT come back that many points. 7 is not a safe lead with one MINUTE left in a college game.

The final score is the only score that matters. The final score says, if Tech make 3 more 3-point baskets, the game would have been tied. The final score is ALL that is important!

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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Well watching I never got teh feeling teh game was in danger. OF Tech had won it would hav ebeen a historic comeback, I know I was flipping on to baseball every few minutes becuase to me atleats it was over early in the 2nd half.



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F you, jacka$$... it was a complete blowout? Single digit point margins count as a blowout?

Yes, Tech was down 26 at one point, but then, they rallyed back to within 7. I think THAT period of time qualified them as belonging on the same court.

Look, Uconn won. Agreed. They are the National Champions. Hooray. Tech did not play their best game, and lost to the better team that night. But don't give me any self-serving bullplop that Tech didn't belong to be there.

Uconn ran out to a ten point lead on the strength of a flat Tech team, cadly missed shots by Tech, and two horrible calls on two legit blocks by Tech on Defense. Ten points in the first couple minutes. The game ended by UConn winning by 9. That means, has ONE of Techs shots gone in, or ONE of those blocks been not called, this is a whole new game.

This was closer than the score just after the half made it appear. And if, as everyone whines about, had this been a series, Tech may only take 2 of 5 games. Or 4 of 9. But they were a team very capable of beating anyone else in the game on any given night.

Monday wasn't that night. They looked slow and sloppy, and their shooters weren't on. Kind of how Uconn played in November.

You call ME a jackass? Georgia Tech only started to do ANYTHING in the final minute of a game. Going into that final minute it was a 14 point game. Let's see... you have a minute to go until you're national champions... is your REAL concern adding to your lead or trying to protect the ball and your lead?

Teams traditionally play a 'protect your lead' type of game when you have a 25 point lead. That leads to teams widdeling down the lead. You can't possibly think that UConn's main objective was to add to their lead. There was not one point beyond half time in which that game was in question and UConn played that way. So don't call me a jackass for calling it how i see it. It;s nice to think 'what if' GT played the entire game like they did in the final minute but guess what... they didn't and they couldn't because UConn was too good of a team. In the 2nd half, UConn started to run down the shot clock and settled for shots... unlike in the first half. So don't tell me that a team 'made it a game' when the other team completely changed their style of play to cater towards protecting a lead as opposed to building it. Georgia Tech was outmatched, man for man on every position on the court. And it showed.

Emeka Okafor only had 2 blocks... I'm not sure the stat keeper was watching the same game cuz' he looked like he got a piece of more than that. And he altered shots practically every time Georgia Tech tried to drive it. Don't say a team 'shot poorly' because that is something that is altered by UConn's in your face defense. I didn't see any Georgia Tech fans mentioning how UConn was 2 of 10 from 3, and 25 of like 70 from the floor when they played in the preseason and GT fans bragged about that one. Bottomline... over the course of the 2 days I herad Georgia Tech fans list off players that could defend against Ben Gordon and shut him down. Um... 21 points later... I think they shut up. Or how about Schenscher trying to take care of Okafor down low? What a success that was to the tune of 24 points and 15 rebounds.

Georgia Tech was outmatched, outplayed, and outcoached in every way imaginable. Don't let the final score blind you from what happened in that game. If there was any point in which you thought GT had a chance of coming back you're a fool. Jim Calhoun has been on his team multiple times for slacking off, for lack of a better term, with a large lead. He was on his team a little over a month and a half ago against Miami for that very thing. It's not the first time UConn has stopped playing 100% with a big lead.

And dude... it was 7 points with like... 20 seconds left. With Rashad Anderson and Ben Gordon being the guys who would be handling the ball and getting fouled... how exactly can you be all that worried?


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2002 Maryland 64-52 Indiana 14 point victory

That looks like 12 to me. And I KNOW there was no point in that game in which Maryland was up by 25. You find me a game in which a team had a 25 point 2nd half lead and then we can talk.


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Point being.. it was NOT a blowout.. it was NOT the most lopsided victory ever, and Georgia Tech deserved to be in the championship game. Uconn played a better game. They won. Yippie. If my favorite team had won the championship, i'd be excited too, but "Tech didn't belong on the same court as uconn" is assenine, ridiculous, and completely wrong. Listen to the post game interviews, because Calhoun even said, "if Tech had been on tonight,. like they can be, this game could have gone either way."

Tech belonged there. Ask Kansas. Or Oklahoma State... hell, or Duke, or even "way, way long ago" Uconn if Tech deserved to be there. Tech CAN beat anyone in the nation. They didn't monday night. For that, Uconn fans should be proud and happy.

Celebrate your Championship, but don't say Tech didn't even belong there.

That looks like 12 to me.

Wow, oooooOOoo.. you sure got me right where it hurts; my quick-math skills. Sorry i got that so wrong.

No score matters but the final score... the final score determines if you win. No onther score determines anything.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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Also, yes.. all that matters is Uconn won.

I was predicitng and hoping for a Tech victory, and it didn't happen. I didn't come on here and whine about it. I let the Uconn fans celebrate and bask in the glory of the championship, which I think is great.

I sence someone accusing me of whining about it, and I wanted to stamp that fire out before it starts. I'm not whining about losing. I'm pissed anyone would say Tech shouldn't have been there.

Now, I'm done.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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No, I said they looked like they didn't belong there. For whatever reason, whether they just flat played bad or UConn forced them off their game... they just looked like it. I'm never gonna go and say a team that won 5 or so straight games in the tournament and beat the likes of OK State and Kansas doesn't... but just as it has become a habit for UConn womens fans to say "We got Taurasi and you don't!"... It's just as easy to say that we have Ben and Emeka and quite simply... no team in the nation does. So Tech couldn't have possibly beat anyone and said "ok state, we're ready for UConn" like i heard every tech fan i know or have talked to say. Georgia Tech didn't play horribly bad... UConn played horribly good and there's not one team in the nation that could've beaten them on Monday night with the way they played. They played as hard as they should've from the start against Duke and played and shot as well as they have all season. Georgia Tech isn't even on the same level as UConn in terms of talent. Debate that if you want... but 2 UConn players will be wearing the jerseys of teams that had lottery picks in this years NBA Draft And more than atleast 2 that will return next year will wear NBA jerseys. I never accused you of whining. You accused me of being a jackass simply for saying they didn't look like they belonged. I never said they didn't belong in the championship game... UConn simply made them look as though they didn't.

And do I need to review that a. Villanueva didn't play b. Boone was only a fraction as good as he is now c. Rashad Anderson struggled until UConn's 7th game and d. Ben Gordon was as inconsistent as any player in the nation at the time. Oh, the Okafor played in more pain in that game than he had at any other point in the season for the first game against GT in the NIT. Wow. You beat that UConn team, congrats.

and ya know what... you may have even changed my mind. What is Calhoun gonna say? He's a class act... he's not gonna say anything other than that GT coulda beat em' on any night. But to say it could've gone either way if GT brought their A game is an absolute joke because if you can't bring your A game to the National Championship game... the final game of the season... the game in which, more than any other, you're supposed to leave any single ounce of whatever you have in you that makes you so good on the court...

If you can't bring your best game to the National Championship... then you don't deserve to be there.


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it wasn't a heated argument... it was a friendly argument. I get into those alot. I've gotten along with paynomind in the past. I understand how he took offense to what I said and if i was a Georgia Tech fan, I would've. But I didn't mean it in a way to insult GT as much as to praise UConn. Sorry if I came across in a negative way. I like to try my hand at picking teams in the preseason and the past 2 seasons, I've correctly picked the champions of both mens and womens (the UConn women have been easy picks). I saw Carmelo as a very good talent and picked Syracuse, I saw UConn as one of the most powerful teams my generation has seen. Dunno who'll I pick next year, but I can very easily see Georgia Tech in the Final Four.


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Yeah, I didn't really think we were out of control, there. We were getting AT each other, and I probably shouldn't have started the whole thing by saying jackass, but that was what occured to me. ITE made some very solid points, and I was just giving him some gruff for a part of what he said that I didn't agree with. It was all on the up and up, friendly conversation. Gentlemen's dissagreement. I love when we can have discussions like that on here. I don't knwo anyone who likes Uconn amoung my friends, so getting to debate with a fan on here was nice. Hell, we got beat, maybe I should have just whimpered and plop up. lol :P

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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