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CFL uniforms


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Speaking of traditional, I, in general, dislike the word (because I think of "boring" when I hear it), but that doesn't mean that I don't know a good design when I see it (The Montreal Alouettes' throwback helmet is my favorite). It's just that I don't do traditional designs, because they bore me.

So you find traditional designs boring, but your favourite CFL helmet is the traditionally styled Als throwbacks? :therock:

Anyway that aside, I do understand where you're coming from, with your concepts acting as a creative medium. That being said, you really need to work on your number fonts. Not every number set has to be standard block, but something that's both different and legible would do wonders. I don't mean to sound overly critical, but very few of these number fonts work, even on a creative level.

Also, outright dismissing ideas because you claim your concepts are "just me being creative" isn't the best attitude to take. If you do that you'll box yourself in and never improve yourself. You don't have to bend over backward to please everyone, but don't shut out ALL c&c either.

Anyway, your concepts at hand. They all seem to rotate among two-three different templates. You have Texans style, Packers style, and Colts style. Granted, this is more realistic, this being the CFL and all ( <_< ). Still, try coming up with some new templates.

Thanks for the analyses of my concepts, Icecap. I'm always trying to improve my skills with the few posts I have on here. I guess I need some advice on what fonts look good on a uniform, because I can now see how the BC concept's font left a bad taste. I'll give y'all that. As far as the helmet goes, the reason it's my favorite is because it's simple and looks cool, and that's something I can appreciate. On the home helmet for my Montreal concept, I paid a little homage to it by taking the simplistic idea of it and giving it a modern twist.

So, do any of y'all have any pointers for me as to how I can improve my design skills to better please y'all? :grin: This simple Southern gentleman is all ears. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

^^Agree. Winnipeg is the best of the bunch, and the number font really helped, but still, you've used that wraparound shoulder stripe before. Fix minor issues on the Bombers like the ridiculous home sock, the lack of a stroke on the road numbers, and the NOB looks a little messed up. For some reason you used another awful font on Toronto, this design has potential but the two different silvers create a Cowboys-esque matching disaster and the inconsistency between home and away is bothersome.

You say you are using these designs as a creative outlet, which is good, but then you contradict yourself by using the same pants stripes every time and rotating between a few jersey designs. Go back and redo some of these instead of pushing forward with the same styles, you have good ideas but they can all be drastically improved.

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Thanks, elliott! Do you have any pointers for me? Because I'm always for improving my skills.

Well it looks like you have the rendering elements and template manipulation parts down, so I would simply encourage you to come up with creative templates, and even if it is just some crazy modern template that you dont actually use for a concept, it's good to practice. Also I've always found the pants of a football jersey to have much more potential for creative designs because often you are limited on the jersey by numbers, sleeve logos, etc, so just experiment. Finally i would suggest to work on your presentation, because sometimes it is better to see larger logos or logo sheets as opposed to just the numbers like you have now.

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Well, as a CFL fan, I have to comment...

Overall--too much similarity--also go with one look for each team, unless you're doing alternates.

Also the Stamps look pink.

The enlarged logo on some of these would be okay for an alternate helmet, but I'm not sold on them as full time helmets.

Toronto & Winnipeg are too similar.

You gave the Eskimos a the old Minnesota North Star colours--which actually is an improvement.

The Roughrider helmets though aren't too bad--but I'd go with the green ones.

I'd dump the seafoam on the Argos, I'm glad they did.

Some of this is better than the current RBK designs though.

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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The Blue Bombers are okay, but are quite similar to their current jerseys.

All the fans love their current duds, but here you just changed a couple things to them which doesn't really make it any better but worse.

When they used the Blue Helmets in 1995, they looked really awkward and ugly.


I would go with a gold hemlmet, the white one might only be able to work on the away jersey. I would also add a white stripe on the home pants. After all that you will end up with, well, pretty much their current jerseys ...



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  • 5 months later...

So, do any of y'all have any pointers for me as to how I can improve my design skills to better please y'all? :grin: This simple Southern gentleman is all ears. :D

I'm just impressed that someone in Alabama has even heard of the Canadian Football League!

Maybe it was the momentary presence of the Birmingham Barracudas that did it?

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