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HS Trojan


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This is the first crack at a new logo for a local HS my friend works at. I can't stand the logo they have now so I told her I could come up with something better :P

These are the 2 they currently use...



Here is what I came up with so far... comments and suggestions would be much appreciated!


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Here is what I came up with so far... comments and suggestions would be much appreciated!


Nice start for sure.

Things to work on: He looks like he's biting is lower lip or that he otherwise has sucked it into his mouth. The connection between the blade and hilt of sword looks like it's made of rubber or something in that the blade doesn't seem to line up with the angle the hilt is in his hand. Also, I'd make the shield a little bigger (especially if you're not going to draw anymore of his body), try to add some shading to it as it's not shaded, and change the 'F' as it's a little weak.

I like the shape of and detail on the helmet and the ear, of all things, is very nice as well.

This is certainly loads better than what they've got now (though I like the simplicity of the second logo).

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This looks Great! Very updated look of the originals. Some things to point out. The blue looks too bright. Where it touches the red it makes an unpleasant thing happen in my eyes. Are you allowed to darken the blue? That would fix it. This concept would benefit from some thicker line weights. Even though,as is, it's suitable for high school, the thicker lines would bump this concept to the next level. I can also see what Ted Cunningham is saying about the hilt looking curved. I think it's the knuckles of the hand that curve that makes this effect. If you could straighten those out you'd be on a gravy train with biscuit wheels.


' class="bbc_url">@


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I really dig the horse logo but I think it would be better if you went with the guy. After all, the team is called the Trojans not the Trojans' horses. It would make a cool secondary, if high schools have use for secondaries. On the logo of the guy, I like the change you did to the mouth. He looks meaner.

I figured out what will put your logo to the next level. You need to give the helmet and shield the same treatment you gave to the sword and arm cuff thing, some highlights. Right now, the helmet and shield look very flat. You add a little shine to the dome of the helmet and visor and instant 3-D. I think it would be nice if you thickened the outline of the face and arm to be closer to what you used on the brush of the helmet.

That's all I can think of right now. There's something else but I can't put my finger on it.


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I really dig the horse logo but I think it would be better if you went with the guy. After all, the team is called the Trojans not the Trojans' horses. It would make a cool secondary, if high schools have use for secondaries. On the logo of the guy, I like the change you did to the mouth. He looks meaner.

I figured out what will put your logo to the next level. You need to give the helmet and shield the same treatment you gave to the sword and arm cuff thing, some highlights. Right now, the helmet and shield look very flat. You add a little shine to the dome of the helmet and visor and instant 3-D. I think it would be nice if you thickened the outline of the face and arm to be closer to what you used on the brush of the helmet.

That's all I can think of right now. There's something else but I can't put my finger on it.

Thanks... good suggestions I will try adding some highlight stuff to it.

Part of the reason I made the second horse one is cause the rival HS is the Gladiators so they have that same kinda greek spartan trojan helmeted looking mascot... figured the Trojan horse might help to seperate them from the rival a bit more.

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I agree regarding showing the top part of the arm. To me the arm looks completely disconnected from his body. To me visually it feels cut off from some other trojan coming from the opposite direction.

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Dr. Kelso: My son is a big baseball fan. Not so much playing it, but more the designing and sewing of uniforms.

Tyler: That's neat.

Dr. Kelso: No, it's not.

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The best piece of advice I can give to improve this logo would be to reduce it down to 50% of the size you have it on screen now, then do a version that's 30% it's current size and finally a version 25% the current size, and print them out. Then take a look at what's happened to your logo...

On first glance I'd say nearly every blue keyline you have will almost disappear, the tiny mark at the side of the nose will be gone, the notches you've added as detail on the sword will all fill in, along with a few other issues. Right now, while it's a good start, it's far to timid to be a great logo.

To be honest to make this really sing you shouldn't really have an outline on there any thinner than the blue ones you have on the visor of the helmet, in fact even that may be a touch on the light side. All of the lines need to be made much much stronger. Again same applies with the details you've added such as the notches to the sword blades or the texture in the plume on the helmet they need to far bigger and bolder. Remember in an ideal world the vast majority of your audience will see this logo from afar, it will be on a helmet and they'll be in the stands. Thats a long way off and as things stand just now I dont think yours will hold up to viewing from a distance, the results will be the same as those you saw when you printed it at reduced sizes.

Illustratively it's pretty sound, anatomy wise things aren't bad, I'd maybe lower the forearm a little and change the angle a little and look to add a suggestion of upper arm with a solid blue shape behind it, but the forearm and hand are good and the face while stylised is still proportionally sound so it works well, but to get the best out of your good work so far you need to have way more confidence with your line weights and detailing. Keep this version do a save as and really push all the line weights and exaggerate the details then do it again and push it further, if you think you've gone to far you'll have previous versions to fall back to, but I PROMISE, you wont regret spending time bulking things up, this logo WILL look even better if you spend some time doing that.


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Definitely not feeling the two swords look. In fact, don't understand it at all; am I missing something as to why there are two?

Yes, you are missing something. Read the thread. His sword looks like a limp hotdog, or as was pointed out, a rubber sword.

The "two" swords is actually to show where the one sword should be, the top sword, the original needs to be there, one and only sword. Not the rubber limp sword. It would be even better at a 90 degree angle, which is a strong position.

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