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Top A's Prospect leaves to join Padres


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He would've been on a baseball card, and lots of ten-year-old boys would've been trying to get their hands on him. Now he's in the priesthood, and

"Hey, if you'd like to see my 'rookie card', just slide inside my robe and -"


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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Good for him for making a decision to be a real hero of people that will actually make an impact.

Then, he should have been a policeman, fireman or join the army. I don't consider priests to be heroes.

I saw, I came, I left.

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If he cares all about god and jesus and helping people, wouldn't it have made more sense to stick it out in baseball for a few more seasons so he'd get called up and make some real money that he could then use to do all the good things he cares about? Seems kind of silly to pass that up when he's so close.

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If he cares all about god and jesus and helping people, wouldn't it have made more sense to stick it out in baseball for a few more seasons so he'd get called up and make some real money that he could then use to do all the good things he cares about? Seems kind of silly to pass that up when he's so close.

Welcome to organized religion.

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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There are higher callings in life than playing baseball and he is doing what is right for him. To assume that he's going to make the major leagues, is just that an assumption. The right decisions in life aren't always the most popular, but they are the right decisions, and to me to see him sacrifice baseball for the ministry is a positive impact. He'll do better than let's say Mark McGwire, Roger Clemens, Manny Ramirez, Tiger Woods, Chad Ochocinco, and whatever other high paid athlete that has money and is and embarrassment to mankind. I respect a man who is willing to sacrifice money and fame, for the higher calling.



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Don't you think you're making a false dichotomy between honorable priests and disgraced athletes? How do you know he can only be one or the other? Many athletes are involved in charitable organizations, and as Vetty said, Desme's prospective wealth could've, and surely would've, been used to effect a lot of assistance for people in need. And calling Chad Ochocinco an "embarrassment to mankind" indicates a dizzying lack of perspective, even for you. You're decrying the entire field of professional athletics because of a few drug abusers, adulterers, and egotists. Aren't you aware that this so-called "higher calling" has become famous for raping young boys? Tiger's whore foibles are nothing, my friend; if anything, the Catholic Church is an embarrassment to mankind. They gain the trust of families and then secretly molest their children until the bureaucracy moves the offenders to another town to start anew. Even a scummy roid-riddled organization like the A's looks better than the Church.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Yes, there are athletes who do good things, and there are athletes that do bad, but please show me anywhere is society where there aren't bad apples. Guess what it's life. Heck people sit there and glorify Pat Tillman because he walked away from millions of dollars to serve in the military and he was great for what he did and what he sacrificed. Yet what about all those people in the military who have done horrible things? So where do you lump them? Are you going to degrade all military people because of a few bad apples? Or what about whatever profession that there are bad apples in. Instead of getting on a guy because he made a decision that was right for him, and not because it was the popular thing to do, respect him. Whatever you do, I know there are bad people, so with the way that your talking about him and the Catholic religion, I presume we could throw you under the bus of being a bad person and you could do better at whatever we decide that you should do and that you are an epic failure. Instead of saying that a person would have more of an impact on people being an athlete than a priest, you don't know that. You don't know the place he needs to be, and the person he needs to positively affect. Some of the most powerful people are not famous and not rich in terms of money, and yet they make more impact on more people's lives than any athlete could.



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Yet what about all those people in the military who have done horrible things? So where do you lump them? Are you going to degrade all military people because of a few bad apples? Or what about whatever profession that there are bad apples in.
Chad Ochocinco, and whatever other high paid athlete that has money and is and embarrassment to mankind


♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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