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Glendale Centennial Jersey


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This is for my fantasy team here on the boards, the Arizona Copper Stars of the XHL. I am doing a 100th Anniversary jersey and am currently stuck.

I'm not done yet as i'm currently in the middle of finding better numbers and putting the secondary logo to the top a little clearer and onto the back, but I need to know how do I make this better?

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It's a cool logo font, but I can't see it working as a nameplate.

Anyway, it's too... plain. And while I understand the idea behind the logo, it lacks something also.

Making the waist stripes the same as the sleeve stripes would be a big improvement, if you ask me.

And I think you'd be better off going in a completely different direction in the way of a crest. I just aint feeling the current one.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006Β 

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My stab at it...


I know, it's darker then your jersey Gary, but I used the Stars brown/brick red/whatever it is.

Sorry, this is slightly off topic, but are you willing to share that template or let me know where one can get it?

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I know how loathed the whole logo-inside-a-circle trend is around here sometimes, but it could work in this case. You could put the Glendale city logo inside a circle, and then use "GLENDALE - 100 YEARS" as the text around the outside. Just a thought.

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