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NFL ProCombat Series

Fifty8_Black O

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I made some NFL inspired pro combat uni concepts a while back and after going back and playing with them some more I've decided to post them here. I plan on posting them two at a time in what will be my fictional "Pro Combat game of the week" type thing. I'll probably briefly preface each one with why I chose to do what I did with the uniform. Most of what I did I did of personal opinion but C&C is always appreciated but I do plan on mostly sticking to my original ideas but would love to hear what you guys think. Some designs are pretty normal just tweaks,some are throwbacks or faux-backs, some however are complete uniform overhauls. So without further ado here is Game 1.



I wanted to start with this classic AFC West bout for my series. I'm sure you can tell what I was thinking for the most part but here's just a few thoughts:

San Diego is sort of based on the Dan Fouts era chargers uniforms with a newer lightning bolt down the side of the pants. It was my first pro combat concept ever from about 8 months ago so depending on yalls comments I plan on making some adjustments.

Oakland has a silver jersey which is my personal favorite of all there jerseys. I took the shield out of their logo and put it on a black helmet with solid black pants so they will truely be the silver and black.

Hope you guys enjoy the start of this series. I wanna hear what two teams you'd like to see next.

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I like both of these alot. Taking the Raider head out of the shield is subtle but enough of a change that it's highly notable. Personally, I prefer the white shells the Chargers use now...but the concept is still great.


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Very creative! I have always hated Pro-Combat NCAA uniforms, but IMO the NFL ones you created are much better. Are you going to do color vs. white for each match-up? Or will you do some color vs. color and white vs. white?

BTW, could you have the Packers vs. Vikings next?

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i like both these I LOVE that Raiders helmet but if you look at the real Pro-Combat jerseys, they all have some creative element, like the feather stripes at Florida State, the split numbers at Miami, or the gradient stripes at Virginia Tech. Both these are great concepts but just putting them on the Pro-Combat template doesn't really make hem Pro-Combat

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this newer version of that template might help you out slightly with the helmets.


That new Combat template is sweet...is there a PSD available for Just the helmet? Thanks.

well you could just crop the helmet and remove the colour layers you no longer need? would take 2 minutes.

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I was planning on a white vs. color matchup each time just to give it a realistic touch. Thanks for the comments, I'll put the next few up in the upcoming days, most likely will be Vikes v. Packers.

Please do post the Packers. Of all the teams in pro sports that are due for an update, they're the one that everyone seems afraid to touch.

Not much to say on the Raiders and cHargers that hasn't already been said... great job on each!

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