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Rays Fauxback Concept


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ITS A CONCEPT, why does everyone demand that everything be super original. Some of my favorite jerseys are just re-colorization's of another one. If you are trolling and crapping on peoples artwork that they did in their spare time, than I am 100% your parents were morons for raising you like an idiot. Get a life and a girlfriend if all you are doing is trolling on a sports logo's forum. "Pretty unimaginative" is not constructive in anyway. Seriously I am so sorry you had the parents you did.

As for the jersey, I think the stripes are risky, but I like them.

Agree completely. This is why the concept forum is dwindling away. Those who are new and come on here to share their projects keep getting tossed in the fire pit. It is a concept. There's no reason that everything must be original and rendered to perfection. As long as it's different in some way, I consider it a concept. Again, the reason the forum is losing it's members is because people are turned away right from the start because they can't get reasonable criticism. Just my two cents.

You two just don't get it, do you? Anything that looks like it took five minutes to make is a waste of our time and an insult to people who spend time on their concepts.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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he put out the idea how about we offer suggestions to improve it. instead of bitching about it being an original concept. let's suggest ideas to make it original.

my suggestion would be to try something with the old color scheme like say 'rainbow' guts or something crazy like that.



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ITS A CONCEPT, why does everyone demand that everything be super original. Some of my favorite jerseys are just re-colorization's of another one. If you are trolling and crapping on peoples artwork that they did in their spare time, than I am 100% your parents were morons for raising you like an idiot. Get a life and a girlfriend if all you are doing is trolling on a sports logo's forum. "Pretty unimaginative" is not constructive in anyway. Seriously I am so sorry you had the parents you did.

As for the jersey, I think the stripes are risky, but I like them.

Agree completely. This is why the concept forum is dwindling away. Those who are new and come on here to share their projects keep getting tossed in the fire pit. It is a concept. There's no reason that everything must be original and rendered to perfection. As long as it's different in some way, I consider it a concept. Again, the reason the forum is losing it's members is because people are turned away right from the start because they can't get reasonable criticism. Just my two cents.

You two just don't get it, do you? Anything that looks like it took five minutes to make is a waste of our time and an insult to people who spend time on their concepts.


I was waiting for that. If you want good comments, then make something worth our time.

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ITS A CONCEPT, why does everyone demand that everything be super original. Some of my favorite jerseys are just re-colorization's of another one. If you are trolling and crapping on peoples artwork that they did in their spare time, than I am 100% your parents were morons for raising you like an idiot. Get a life and a girlfriend if all you are doing is trolling on a sports logo's forum. "Pretty unimaginative" is not constructive in anyway. Seriously I am so sorry you had the parents you did.

As for the jersey, I think the stripes are risky, but I like them.

Agree completely. This is why the concept forum is dwindling away. Those who are new and come on here to share their projects keep getting tossed in the fire pit. It is a concept. There's no reason that everything must be original and rendered to perfection. As long as it's different in some way, I consider it a concept. Again, the reason the forum is losing it's members is because people are turned away right from the start because they can't get reasonable criticism. Just my two cents.

You two just don't get it, do you? Anything that looks like it took five minutes to make is a waste of our time and an insult to people who spend time on their concepts.

Bingo. Just put a little more time, effort, and overall give-a-damn into your presentation, and maybe you'll start to get more constructive criticism & even some compliments, instead receiving just vague comments spanning the spectrum of criticism, and outright panning.

Of course, it'd help if every bad concept's thread didn't turn into a flamewar, but it'd also help if bad concepts at least had some work put into them, and the original creator didn't take criticism as a personal attack. 9 times out of 10, if people are panning somebody's work, they're doing it so the person who drew up the original concept can learn from that & put out something better next time, not because they hate whoever did it.

So yeah, everybody really just needs to chill out & the posters who put out sub-par work that consistently gets panned on here need to reflect on their own work and try to better it, instead of firing back at people because they call it like they see it. Just throwing that out there.

As far as the actual concept in this thread, it actually has potential. If you made the jersey into an actual v-neck & added a design onto that part, & did more with the stripes other than slapping it on there, it could start to look really good. But right now, it's just not there. Back to the lab.



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Sorry to get this even more off topic, but a little searching in the concepts forum discovered this.


Basically, a recolour with a few extra parts of other logos mixed in.

But where's the hating? Nobody is ripping him for not being original.

On September 20, 2012 at 0:50 AM, 'CS85 said:

It's like watching the hellish undead creakily shuffling their way out of the flames of a liposuction clinic dumpster fire.

On February 19, 2012 at 9:30 AM, 'pianoknight said:

Story B: Red Wings go undefeated and score 100 goals in every game. They also beat a team comprised of Godzilla, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, 2 Power Rangers and Betty White. Oh, and they played in the middle of Iraq on a military base. In the sand. With no ice. Santa gave them special sand-skates that allowed them to play in shorts and t-shirts in 115 degree weather. Jesus, Zeus and Buddha watched from the sidelines and ate cotton candy.

POTD 5/24/12POTD 2/26/17


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Sorry to get this even more off topic, but a little searching in the concepts forum discovered this.


Basically, a recolour with a few extra parts of other logos mixed in.

But where's the hating? Nobody is ripping him for not being original.

Nobody is ripping him because he obviously put work into it & it didn't look like something that took him 5 minutes to slap together in MS Paint. In addition, he took the criticism, went back, and tweaked it.

In addition, this was done 3 years before the Raptors went to an exclusively red-&-black look, so he was ahead of his time. Taking that into context, calling that un-original is pretty inaccurate.



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