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Absolutely love it...i would defiantly purchase the 3rd version jerseys. Nice job.

Hey, we're cool with whatever you want to buy. B) JK...assume you meant "definitely."

That helmet is incredible and I like the rest of the set with two exceptions:

1) shoulder design is far too obvious an Oregon reference, especially given the proximity of the two teams in the Pacific Northwest. OTOH, maybe that's the idea.

2) their neon alts are on my "death to!" list.

BTW, rumor has it that after Lynch posed for your template he ran over another Saint. :cry:


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I agree with BlueSky. Interesting reference, and it could work. Couple minor issues for the perfectionist in me:

-Blatant use of a Nike design on a Techfit template (copyright issues galore if this was realized).

-Using a design from a rival college on a pro team the next state over? It would take away from Oregon's brand ID. Not sure Nike would do that to begin with.

I like the use of color, but the wing-shoulder thing is distinctly Oregon.

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I agree with BlueSky. Interesting reference, and it could work. Couple minor issues for the perfectionist in me:

-Blatant use of a Nike design on a Techfit template (copyright issues galore if this was realized).

-Using a design from a rival college on a pro team the next state over? It would take away from Oregon's brand ID. Not sure Nike would do that to begin with.

I like the use of color, but the wing-shoulder thing is distinctly Oregon.

Does that mean that every team with stripes on their shoulder shoulder should sue anyone with a stripes on their shoulder? I dont think there would be any copyright issues seeing as the wigs look nothing alike.

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No, because the shoulder stripe is widespread, and commonplace. The wings are probably a trademarked symbol of the Ducks is what I'm saying. Regardless, people would associate it with UO, not the Seahawks. As someone who works in marketing, it creates a bit of an identity crisis, IMO.

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Away 2:


That's an improvement over the white socks--but overall, I have to say, I like the look, except I find that football pants without stripes of some sort tend to look like pyjama pants.

But I like them, they look classic and modern at the same time.

The colours work well together, although the thirds are a bit bright.

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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I agree with BlueSky. Interesting reference, and it could work. Couple minor issues for the perfectionist in me:

-Blatant use of a Nike design on a Techfit template (copyright issues galore if this was realized).

-Using a design from a rival college on a pro team the next state over? It would take away from Oregon's brand ID. Not sure Nike would do that to begin with.

I like the use of color, but the wing-shoulder thing is distinctly Oregon.

Does that mean that every team with stripes on their shoulder shoulder should sue anyone with a stripes on their shoulder? I dont think there would be any copyright issues seeing as the wigs look nothing alike.

How would we know? He's wearing a helmet. :D

The shoulder stripes argument makes no sense. In fact, that example actually proves the point, because what do the Colts have on their jerseys? "UCLA stripes." Other teams have "Northwestern stripes." Plenty of teams have horns on their helmets, but who do you think of when they start at the eyebrow and wrap around the earhole? Rams, plain and simple. So a particular design, no matter how generic, is identified with specific teams, usually the first one to use it.

If Oregon hadn't just come out with that shoulder design, it might be different, but they did, and comparisons are thus inevitable. And they're a lot more similar than you imply.



We should coin a new term for Oregon. Instead of "uniform," it should be "multiform." B)


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Thank you Bluesky. Take away that second line from the inside on Oregon's uni's, and we're talking eerily similar. If it were a striping pattern (UCLA, NW, etc.) it would be easier to get away with. But something that Nike made specifically for one school (their baby, thanks to Phil Knight), you can bet everything that they're not putting anything similar on another team. And if Adidas tried (as this template is Techfit), they'd be stopped in a hurry. Ever heard of a 'derivative work?' Nike would shut that down in a hurry.

Like I said, cool design, and I like the colors with it. But if you're trying to be realistic here, I highly doubt this would fly.

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