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Just some recoloring

GangGr33n FTW

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whats the purpose of these custom colors?

Just tried to make the most boring team... interesting. And also if anyone wanted to use a logo or color scheme, its fine by me.

Yeah, this sounds familiar.

But seriously, thank god. I was hoping you'd let me use that wonderful pink and bronze color combo. :rolleyes:

This isn't a concept. It's a poorly executed recolor. WHY?

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I don't get why people get so angry at recolors. It's one thing if the OP doesn't mention if it's a recolor, but he made it clear. I know I'm being sort of hypocritical, but if you don't like it just ignore the thread. People aren't going to spoil the board with only recolors.

IMO, Ducks colors should be green and orange. One combo you didn't try is orange main and green secondary.

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whats the purpose of these custom colors?

Just tried to make the most boring team... interesting. And also if anyone wanted to use a logo or color scheme, its fine by me.

Yeah, this sounds familiar.

But seriously, thank god. I was hoping you'd let me use that wonderful pink and bronze color combo. :rolleyes:

This isn't a concept. It's a poorly executed recolor. WHY?

Was going for ideas, not really quality.... I dont think its utter s***. And go ahead, use that pink/bronze (gold) color scheme and logo. I would be honored.

How about the other color combos??

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I'm sorry man, but recolors don't go well to other on this site. If you're going to do it though, here's how you can make them look cleaner:

Take a logo and save it as a "16 Color Bitmap" image. Right before you save, click on the drop down menu where is says "Save as file type:", and click the one that says 16 color bitmap. Once you do that, you'll have a lot less of those stray pixels that make the logos less clean when you recolor it. I'm sure you know what I mean. To get rid of these completely though, use that tool in MS Paint that looks likes a eye-dropper. Select that, right click on a pixel that is making everything look unclean, and left click on a pixel that's clean throughout that section. Then use the paint bucket tool, and just left click-then-right click in each area that contains the color in the logo. That will remove the stray pixels. Always save as .png too. You can find it in the same place you found the 16 color bitmap.




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I'm sorry man, but recolors don't go well to other on this site. If you're going to do it though, here's how you can make them look cleaner:

Take a logo and save it as a "16 Color Bitmap" image. Right before you save, click on the drop down menu where is says "Save as file type:", and click the one that says 16 color bitmap. Once you do that, you'll have a lot less of those stray pixels that make the logos less clean when you recolor it. I'm sure you know what I mean. To get rid of these completely though, use that tool in MS Paint that looks likes a eye-dropper. Select that, right click on a pixel that is making everything look unclean, and left click on a pixel that's clean throughout that section. Then use the paint bucket tool, and just left click-then-right click in each area that contains the color in the logo. That will remove the stray pixels. Always save as .png too. You can find it in the same place you found the 16 color bitmap.

Thanks a bunch man. I'm really kinda new on the scene, and it helps a bunch.

What I dont get is that if a team needs a recolor, why cant you do it?? The Ducks are the team in most need of a color change.

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I'm sorry man, but recolors don't go well to other on this site. If you're going to do it though, here's how you can make them look cleaner:

Take a logo and save it as a "16 Color Bitmap" image. Right before you save, click on the drop down menu where is says "Save as file type:", and click the one that says 16 color bitmap. Once you do that, you'll have a lot less of those stray pixels that make the logos less clean when you recolor it. I'm sure you know what I mean. To get rid of these completely though, use that tool in MS Paint that looks likes a eye-dropper. Select that, right click on a pixel that is making everything look unclean, and left click on a pixel that's clean throughout that section. Then use the paint bucket tool, and just left click-then-right click in each area that contains the color in the logo. That will remove the stray pixels. Always save as .png too. You can find it in the same place you found the 16 color bitmap.

Thanks a bunch man. I'm really kinda new on the scene, and it helps a bunch.

What I dont get is that if a team needs a recolor, why cant you do it?? The Ducks are the team in most need of a color change.

You can, but you have to make a concept to go with it. Anyone can just recolor a logo. ANYONE. It takes some talent to actaully make a concept. So nobody is going to care about your 5 minutes is MS Paint. They're going to look other places for people who really worked for their concepts. I'm sorry, but that's just the truth.

Why you make fun of me? I make concept for Auburn champions and you make fun of me. I cry tears.
Chopping off the dicks of Filipino boys and embracing causes that promote bigotry =/= strong moral character.
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Yeah, what everyone else said. These recolours aren't great either, unless you can justify the choice of colours you went with for any of them.

And really, it's not that the Ducks have boring colours, they simply don't use them effectively enough. Their gold colour looks better in real life than it does in logo image files.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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