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My OKC Thunder Concept


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where is the logo? i dont see anything!

In the last game against Detroit, the time from ten minutes left to one minute left was probably the longest nine minutes of my life. But from one to zero was probably the greatest time I've ever had. I didn't want the clock to run out. It was such a great feeling: people crying in the stands, people jumping up and down, people cheering. Guys couldn't even sit up on the bench. It was probably the best minute of my life.

Ah, the "I'm kidding" - the universal internet excuse for saying something that others perceived as dumb.

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This is my first concept, and i'm in middle school, so go easy on me.

The OKC thunder need a major re brand, so here's my idea for a logo

Sorry, but i don't know how to paste my image onto the post. Does anybody know how?

yep. first get aphotobucket account if you dont have one. that way you will be able to upload your photos. then after that,go to your album. take the picture and hold the arrow up to the tab.keep on that page. then go to the little picture with the tree on it here. enter the url in the slot and there you go.

In the last game against Detroit, the time from ten minutes left to one minute left was probably the longest nine minutes of my life. But from one to zero was probably the greatest time I've ever had. I didn't want the clock to run out. It was such a great feeling: people crying in the stands, people jumping up and down, people cheering. Guys couldn't even sit up on the bench. It was probably the best minute of my life.

Ah, the "I'm kidding" - the universal internet excuse for saying something that others perceived as dumb.

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This is my first concept, and i'm in middle school, so go easy on me.

The OKC thunder need a major re brand, so here's my idea for a logo

Sorry, but i don't know how to paste my image onto the post. Does anybody know how?

yep. first get aphotobucket account if you dont have one. that way you will be able to upload your photos. then after that,go to your album. take the picture and hold the arrow up to the tab.keep on that page. then go to the little picture with the tree on it here. enter the url in the slot and there you go.

ok, here's the logo:


Jersey strong, Brooklyn ready.

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I like where this is headed. And THANK YOU for drawing it first. I wanted to commend you for that. One minor update I would make: give the bolt a little more "character". It's a little stagnant right now, more notches and a more dramatic curve/point would do wonders for this. Nice start.

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whats with the purple?

In the last game against Detroit, the time from ten minutes left to one minute left was probably the longest nine minutes of my life. But from one to zero was probably the greatest time I've ever had. I didn't want the clock to run out. It was such a great feeling: people crying in the stands, people jumping up and down, people cheering. Guys couldn't even sit up on the bench. It was probably the best minute of my life.

Ah, the "I'm kidding" - the universal internet excuse for saying something that others perceived as dumb.

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