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Rebel Logo: What to change/ fix?


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Give him a Kepi as a solid identifier that he's a Confederate soldier. Lose the beard and give him more facial detail.

Post up your changes, I'm interested in what you do with this.


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I decided to go a rather different direction with this. I tried for the kepi, but I couldn't draw it to my satisfaction. I found a young confederate soldier portraitwith this similar view, but he didn't have a beard (as he was very young). I think I've added a lot more facial detail, and I don't think the expression is perfect, but I'm much happier with it than the last one.

The team that I had in mind currently uses a sabre with a workmark as their logo, and i wanted to include a sabre as a connection with their current logo.

My new idea:


Comments and Criticism are definitely welcome.

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Overall, a big improvement, much cleaner design. It looks like there is a lightning bolt above the palmetto--I'd lose it, regardless of whether that's what it's supposed to be. The biggest challenge right now is that it looks like the head is skewered on the sabre. I'd find a different way to incorporate the sabre.




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Don't two tone the face or hat, it looks very strange.

Perhaps have the saber crossing the head at like a 45 degree angle...

What's the toothpick looking thing in the hat brim? I don't get it but maybe I'm just not seeing it for what it is.

I could live without the cheekbone accents.

I love that the eyes look like crescent moons ala the SC state flag. Great idea. Maybe have both mimic the crescent on the flag rather than be mirror reflections of each other, but maybe that'd look weird.

Good start, much better than the side view logo. Keep working, I think you've got something nice.

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Don't two tone the face or hat, it looks very strange.

Perhaps have the saber crossing the head at like a 45 degree angle...

What's the toothpick looking thing in the hat brim? I don't get it but maybe I'm just not seeing it for what it is.

I could live without the cheekbone accents.

I love that the eyes look like crescent moons ala the SC state flag. Great idea. Maybe have both mimic the crescent on the flag rather than be mirror reflections of each other, but maybe that'd look weird.

Good start, much better than the side view logo. Keep working, I think you've got something nice.

Thanks, I'm trying to see how these suggestions work- this is helpful. The two-tone idea was originating from logos such as the Timberwolves; I was hoping that it would give a more sinister appearance. Perhaps not. I'm working on the hat, and less cheekbones.


Alright, based on O'Brien's suggestions, here's some changes that I've made:

Filled in the brim and top of the hat;

Eliminated the two-tone of the face and made the entire thing gray;

Crossed the swords behind at 45 degrees. I was hesitant to do this, as it is somewhat cliched, but I'm open to ideas about it. Obviously, cliched is better than giving the appearance of skewering the mascot.

Keep the C&C coming.


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I'd say just change everything that's gray to white, right now it's a bit too dark for me. The tips of the sabers should also be pointy- they look a bit blunt at the moment. Keep working on it, it's shaping up nicely.



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