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Boston Bruins concept


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I've done similar designs before but since Providence has started using their gold throwback-ish jerseys i thought i'd takle it again. I like how the stripes under the shoulder yokes are thick and bold moreso than say Boston's Winter Classic jersey, but it does cause some issues with the name plate. Even still i like how these came out.

Logo was made by Steven Grant


I feel it would give the B's a little more of an "old school team" feel. My one question other than basic C&C would be how would you feel about double stripes on the socks to match the sleeves?

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thanks. That's the problem I run into, and the Providence Bruins do as well, when those stripes are thicker. Maybe if it was a different color?


They've done it in black as well, and positioned differently...


As for it being off center, i was eye-balling it and not using my usual program where i could have been more accurate, so my bad.

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I really like these. The only nitpick I have is that the gold looks too pale on my computer. I think the Bruins gold is darker. The nameplate looks really good the way it is! You might want to change the shoulder patch to an older version of that logo to match the old-time feel of the uniform. I'd give this a solid A.

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The gold is definitely too light, and I want to see this in a modeled on-player version, because I think those stripes at the end of the sleeves would get covered up by the gloves most times, and because of that, it should probably be moved up the sleeves a bit.

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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