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Chicago Cubs Alternate Logo


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When I was a pre-schooler, I lived in Florida for 6 months to see my dying grandfather (he never had a son and he wanted to spend time with me.) Well, a lot of my mother's family lives in Florida, (a reason I root for the Rays on occasions), including my cousins, aunts, and uncles. If there is one thing everyone in my family loves, its baseball. However, my family is torn. Being from the South Side of Chicago, I live in the middle of White Sox Country, and fly my black & white proudly. But, my family in Florida are all Cubs fans. (Being in Florida prior to 1993 and the arrival of the Marlins, you could catch Cubs games on WGN nationally, not to mention they originally are from Chicago.) Anyways, me being a corruptible 4 year old was given a Cubs hat. The hat featured an old Cubs logo with a Cub holding the Cubs logo and waving. Now when you are 4 years old, a hat with a cartoon bear is the coolest thing, so much to my father's protest, I wore it around everywhere.

Recently, I've been thinking of my grandpa a lot. So I looked back on the photo albums and found pictures of him & I. I am wearing that hat. I decided since the (OVER HYPED) Theo Epstein era is upon the Cubbies, I thought they could use a new look... A blending of old and new. So, i came up with this:


Now I was happy with the product, but there are a lot of options I could use this logo for, and once I made 4, 4 more appeared.


My main predicament is I can't choose a favorite color scheme. Any favorites from you guys? Any C&C?


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I like it best without the feet at the bottom. Seems more fierce that way, peering over the circle C, rather than sitting behind it like a teddy bear. I think it looks best with a black bear, but that's be BFBS, Otherwise, royal blue bear with the Chicago city flag colors for the logo seems the most "alternate" and the best looking in my opinion

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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Honestly, considering I've never really known what to make of all the suggestions I've heard for the Cubs to replace red with brown, I'm feeling the brown bear version, no feet. Wouldn't need a different shade of blue or an outline.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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First of all, the personal nature of this concept is lovely. It's always nice to see where these ideas come from.

Not knowing much about the Cubs, I don't really get where the gold comes from. Personally I think the feet help to frame the logo. And the use of Chicago's flag colours is great. Therefore, my favourite is the middle image in the second row.

My one suggestion would to be fix up the feet a bit. They look a little 'leafy' as is. Maybe smooth out the inside of each foot?

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First of all, the personal nature of this concept is lovely. It's always nice to see where these ideas come from.

Not knowing much about the Cubs, I don't really get where the gold comes from. Personally I think the feet help to frame the logo. And the use of Chicago's flag colours is great. Therefore, my favourite is the middle image in the second row.

My one suggestion would to be fix up the feet a bit. They look a little 'leafy' as is. Maybe smooth out the inside of each foot?

The Gold/Yellow comes from this logo used in the 60's & 70's. I've seen it as this bright yellow to a very dark gold.





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I live in the middle of White Sox Country

It's more of a semi-autonomous protectorate.

I like the one with the regular Cubs colors and the brown bear the best. It would make a good tertiary logo for merchandise!

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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I live in the middle of White Sox Country

It's more of a semi-autonomous protectorate.


Actually, I know where you're coming from. I have a problem with it, to me, it looks like more Sox fans are anti Cubs than pro Sox.

But more Cubs fans are pro bars than pro Cubs


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It seems the brown bear is the most popular so here is an enlarged version


My idea for this was to possibly carry it on to a Cubs concept, using this as a BP hat. It would be like the Mets' Mr. met hat or A's elephant one. Adding a white outline around it on a solid blue hat with red brim looks good in my head. However, I can't find a new era template for paint. Anyone have one?

I don't drink.


Is this what inspired your logo, by chance? or something close to it?

THAT'S THE ONE! I'll try to find the picture again (My mom loves taking pictures and has about 17 albums full). I'll scan it here and show you guys what it looked like on the hat.


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I really like this a lot. My favorite would probably the the brown with current colors, although I don't mind the blue bear that blends into the circle.

I don't know how this would look on a uniform (as you said, maybe a BP hat would work), but I would definitely buy a t-shirt with this logo on it.

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Does anybody have a tutorial on how to outline in MS paint? The one I found is useless, and the otheres are for paint.net

Also here is where this all started, the original



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