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Super League Hockey---- Millionaires and Governors


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Matchdays 5 and 6 will be up tonight with update standings. Just had a thought, since in the season we will have every combination of jerseys going head-to-head (other than home vs home and away vs away), I'm going to ask you guys to tell me what is the best looking match on each matchday. I've gotten a pretty good idea of who's jersey you like, but this is going just confirm it. I'm working away on the results! Thanks guys.

And just one more thing. I'm just going to mark overtime or shootout games as OT from now on. Just a small thing.

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Dang. Montreal is beast! Go LA.

No kidding! I thought that with the simulating it would be a bit unrealistic because everyone would be about .500, but somehow, even with my system, Montreal (and LA and Thunder Bay) have done surprisingly well. Thanks for following!

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You know, this is really motivating me to post a hockey league I made with the whole full standings. Though my league isn't as ambitious with only 10 teams and 32 games each, and I usually just pick the winners instead of simulate them.

That would be great! I'd love to see what you have. This phase is taking a while, but I'm enjoying it. I say go for it.

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Here we are with matchdays 7 and 8, along with updated standings!




How about a few puns?

Week 7:

Teamen sink titanic

Powerless, Towers beat Power

Week 8:

An oscar-worthy performance for the Blockbusters

Governors put out the fire

Geez i'm brutal.... and boy was it a tough home and home double matchday for the Spikes and Red Birds... luck of the draw I guess

And how about Las Vegas? I think my card system fro getting overtime is pretty accurate, by I think, having about the same occurrence of 2 face cards, or 2 cards of the same value drawn as a hockey game going to overtime.


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The biggest storyline I see is will the the Espions top the Blackhawks point streak record.

They've still got a ways to go, but ya never know.

I hope they don't! 'hawks are the best team in the NHL hands down.




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