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NBA Hockey


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solid concepts here but I would try to use logos that doesn't use a basketball in the logo. Seeing a basketball on hockey jersey is a bit disjointing. Maybe modify the logos to make them more hockey-centric.

The last one I can't see because I haven't had my coffee from the RaceTrac convenient store.



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yoohoo. I don't mean to be an *ss but every comment so far has been about cleaning up the concepts before posting. Its awesome that you want to do this, love the enthusiasm. However, taking your time to make the concepts look sharp and clean will go a long way.

Also I've noticed you've had the same hem striping for the white version of every team, then the dark version is almost the same on every team. Bring in some unique and different looks.

Don't stop, just take the time to make something look cleaner, it goes a long way on these boards.

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Look at the NFL/NHL cross over threads as inspiration as to how to do a unique set of crossover uniforms. Try to draw inspiration from the NBA teams for the striping pattern or something that would translate well on to a hockey jersey but carries over the overall look associated with the team.



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Boston is done

That's certainly debatable. Done by your standards, but that logo is way to pixelated and your jersey style looks like you just took the paint bucket tool and filled in spaces. Also, those lines on the sleeves are incredibly wonky, for lack of a better term.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Lol i'd laugh if he just kept posting and didn't listen to anyone.

Wouldn't be the first time that's ever happened. Considering he's pumping out concepts rather than focusing on refining his skills, you may not be far off.

And that's tha truth.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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