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Fantasy concept


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here are the concepts I have made for geoff der Idiot, I spent a lot of time on these and would like comments and suggestions.


Yipee Its working now, photobucket is up! :D

here are my final changes, got rid of the old lookin pilot and changed the fighter pilot. Thanks for the help, whchoclte, GMS, and syphi.





-CFA: South Beach Sharks

-NCFA: 2007 Beantown Bowl Champions; BNE Co-Champions

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*reads from card with no emotion* Oh, wow. That is awesome [insert name errr Gamecock82. I just love them.

But, seriously, those are great. Thankl you bery much

Athletic Director: KTU Blue Grassers Football

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Like the package, Great colors.

Do have some comments as always. Why the two airmen. You are losing the concentrated identity by having two. Maybe if you stick with the fighter jet you can do a A in smoke like in an air show etc.

Also the shadow on the man bottom right is too stright. Add soem highlights might spruce it up.

Great job otherwise.

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Looking better and better all the time.

I'd remove the oval frame around the pilot logo, and cut down on the amount of upper body that's showing. I'd keep his tag visible, as well as the tops of his armpits. I don't think they have traditional plane steering wheels in fighter planes anymore, and a control stick might look dumb, so if you feel like it, try these suggestions, and then we can see where we should go from there.

For the plane, try sweeping the wings back a little more. Also, have them taper a little more the further away from the body they get.

Is the "V" supposed to be a logo? I'd fuggedaboudit. It's too simple, and looks more like a "V" than any airplane reference. Cool idea, but IMO it doesn't work.

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Geoff, sorry man but if you want to keep your logos like that its fine with me but im fixing everything up, to make it fantstico. If you need anything just give me a shout.


I changed the rank to that, that is airman rank, and fixed the wings like syphi wanted so, any more suggestions will be accepted.





-CFA: South Beach Sharks

-NCFA: 2007 Beantown Bowl Champions; BNE Co-Champions

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Proportionally, the AIRMEN has to be quite a bit bigger than the pilot. Also, it'd be cool if it would have some sort of distortion that bulges it inward, kinda like a bow-tie, so that it cradles the pilot a little more.

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