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Louisville Cardinals rebrand


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So I was taking a standardized test and I was done early so I drew this on paper. I made it come alive. This LU rebrand basically only keeps the original name, colors (partially), and one logo (I did change it).

First of all, I made a color update that darkened the red.


primary (edited to work with color change)


wordmark. The L was made to look a little like a cardinal head and beak


And now for baseball (inspired by the white sox 80s unis)


now for soccer. The crest logo.


the uniform


football (i kept it real simple)


and basketball


last is hockey (even though they dont have it)


so thats a wrap. These were also my first tries at hockey and soccer




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Honestly, this looks like you threw this whole thing together in about 5 minutes. for example just look at your football uniform...you slapped a logo on the helmet and the number on the jersey. How is that a positive update?

Take your time..improve your work...and post when you honestly think this is complete.

Not trying to be mean...I'm just saying.

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Jaker - your OP makes it sound like it was a start to something, and if so it's a good start, but the images you provided makes it seem like it's complete. I think There's a bit of work to do to make it complete. First, it's messy. What I mean by that is some items are clean and others looked like they were slapped on the jersey. This might have taken you time, but from an outside perspective it looks rushed, and forced.

My C&C is to get a clearer image of the Cardinal head logo and put that inside the soccer shield. Also, I don't see the Cardinal head and beak in the "L" maybe make that a bit clearer.

Personally, I don't mind the different skill levels on this board and if you are just starting out and if don't care if you want to post concept drafts for C&C, which I recommend if you are starting out - awesome. *Just make sure you state that's what it is, etc. That way other members on this site are clear on what it is. I think you'll have better results in getting C&C this way. :)

*The best example I can give in terms of clarifying the drafts that's recent is check out Dayne Amaze's Tampa Bay Lightning concept.



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I don't see how the L in the wordmark looks like the beak or the head of the Cardinal. I would recommend experimenting with the Wordmark more since its seems to be the main concept here.

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As a Louisville fan myself, this isn't as bad of a start that others say. I like the basketball uniform with the logo on the pants and the baseball uniform is cool.. Some pointers for you is that Louisville is referred as UofL (University of Louisville) and LU actually stands for Lehigh University (not going much on the abbreviations). Another thing is looking at their uniforms for inspiration and direction. For example, looking up the current football uniforms and using their design as a template could really help improve the football concept (too plain in my eyes). Also, I would suggest that use their current athletic font and use that instead of the custom font (for you to decide however). Lastly, the concepts looks messy, but I understand most users struggle on their first time because they are just getting a grasp of doing these. The key is that take as much time as you need to improve these uniforms. With enough time, these would look much better than what you have started with. I hope my criticism isn't too harsh and use it to your benefit.

Here is the football picture I was talking about that might help you out on your concept.



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