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Hamilton Tigers Concept


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that's kind of messed up...if you had waited until sunday you would have found out whose logo it was and asked for permission

to the designer, i apologize profusely...i guess my watermark wasn't dark enough to protect your work from being ripped off

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Other than what's already been mentioned, my biggest beef is with the stripes themselves. I'm not going to go into what should and shouldn't be on a hockey jersey, because this is a concept. But the stripes are too symmetrical(sp?). As it stands, the stripes on the front would match the stripes on the back. Real tiger stripes don't look like that. They are different, with varying lengths and curves.

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I agree with steiny ramone in that the stripes don't remind me of a tiger very much. The first thing I thought when I saw the stripes were teeth, because of the points at the end. Real tiger stripes don't have that effect. I also think the shoulder logo is way too close to the color and the spacing of the jersey needs work.

The loud stripes kind of kill the jersey, and it is poor execution. C+

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By having Fleury on the back, I assume youre using this as a "Pens Relocation" concept. That I dont like.

Also, the idea is good, butdoesnt look good on a hockey jersey, at lest not how you put it.

And logo stealing is bad.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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I don't want to add more white to the Home, because it makes it look like the bottom of a Tiger. Tigers have white belly's. So that's what I was trying to incorparate with the home jersey.

Thanks for the coment on the Alternate Jersey.

For the stripes, I don't know what you want me to do with them. I think they look good... there's really nothing a can do with those.



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That's not an original logo, I've seen it else where. The home jersey still has too much orange and the stripes could be a little more diverse. I like the idea of the White tiger alternate.

Try the Idaho State Bengals, GoNords.

But what I really want to know is, what's with all the sperm on the sleeves?


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Eh, the stripes are better this time, but they still don't look like tiger stripes. Now that I've seen the entire uni set, there is not enough of a contrast between the home and road. Putting the white tiger belly on it was a good idea, but maybe make the white space larger, so there's almost no orange on the front.

The white tiger alt's a good idea, but I would make the logo a white tiger as well. You also need to move the logo farther up on all of them. They're sitting too low right now.

PS: If you're going to use a logo you didn't design, say where you got it from at least.

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