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Everything posted by Morgan33

  1. If it didn't have the wordmark on the front, it'd be spectacular
  2. The current Marlins logo in the old colour palette would be ideal. Those colours are so garish.
  3. That looks terrible! They weren't great jerseys to begin with but who thought removing the hem stripes and using that awful Flyers template was a good idea. Thank god they came to their senses and brought back the scheme they never should have ditched in the first place. Surprised they decided to use blue white and green at the last minute since they wore their throwbacks in 2007 playoffs.
  4. Thanks guys. Yeah, Photobucket and Imageshack have been giving me nothing but headaches as of late... They are terrible!
  5. Why does my signature get scaled down in spite meeting the size requirements?
  6. Hard to say. They are hardly a home run with the generic piping masquerading as stripes. On the other hand, the logos are fantastic.
  7. That ring is terribly bland though when your colour scheme is black, white and silver, it doesn't leave many options. It'll never happen but I would love to see some purple gems in there as a nod to their history.
  8. The Lightning should have never changed these... Sure the logo is poorly designed but so are a lot of the so called "classic" logos in the NHL (NYI, Buffalo). The colours more than made up for it... same with the Stanley Cup triumph associated with it.
  9. Could anyone help me out with this? It's a pretty basic font. It came with an old version of Photoshop (Think it was 4) that I used on a PC but low and behold it's not on CS6 for the mac. Any help would be much appreciated
  10. This set is far superior to what the Predators wear now.
  11. With the exception of my time at IU, I've never lived in a town with a White Castle (and then it was on the other side of town from me), so I've never really had it and can't weigh in. For the others that might class as major, my personal hierarchy of taste/value would line up as... Wendy's Arby's Hardee's McDonalds Long John Silver's KFC Subway *gap* Super Bong Burger Taco Bell Burger King They're all garbage, google GMO...
  12. It was a bad logo to begin with and the silver highlights do absolutely nothing to address it's many flaws
  13. How is the Astro's new logo not the epitome of Lazy? It's the Padres logo with orange and a generic star in place of generic interlocking letters. I'm sure many long days and sleepless nights were put into that peice of artistic genious. If they wanted to look like every other team in the MLB, why not go all the way and replace orange with red? Personally I think every MLB team should be required to use those colours with a roundel as a primary logo.
  14. Yeah, cuz their current jerseys are so much more creative Current jerseys may not be as creative, but I'd rather use those than the ones we're lookin' at here. These just have a fake look to them.... At least it has a proper logo
  15. Likely because the blue jersey has waaay too much red. Red was fine on the previous set because it was used so sparingly.
  16. I like the black sweater. As a potential alternate. With the skating penguin on the shoulders. Not sure how popular vs unpopular this opinion is, but it's kind of on topic now. I don't think the robo penguin was all that great a logo. Most people prefer the skating penguin to the Robo Penguin. I personally prefer the latter. It looks more like penguin than the cartoon-like skating iteration and I like the streamlined simplicity of the design. As a jersey crest, it looks fantastic which is why the black jersey not having it featured on the front was a huge mistake.
  17. Wrong! Kelly green looks great on the Celtics, the Canucks and looked way better on the Dallas Stars when they used to use it. Not too mention the North Stars... some of the greatest jerseys ever to see the ice I think the complete lack of notable NHL jersey news made me momentarily forget which thread I was posting in, my bad. Heres one though... Best set in Pens history.
  18. Wrong! Kelly green looks great on the Celtics, the Canucks and looked way better on the Dallas Stars when they used to use it. Not too mention the North Stars... some of the greatest jerseys ever to see the ice
  19. The Cavaliers new set looks awful. A perfect example of a team ditching a vastly superior look to cash in on the retro fad. The Lebron era Home and Away jerseys were the best in Cavaliers history.
  20. Yep, same goes for the "Red + Green = Christmas" arguement
  21. Agreed. The biggest mark against the Kings Purple and Gold look is that awful crown logo. Besides being waaay too detailed, it looks like it belongs on a Queen. Seconded. Bring back Lady Liberty
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