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Everything posted by Morgan33

  1. I agree it looked good but the new colour scheme is vastly superior. The thing I liked about that set the most is that the Orca gets to stand alone.
  2. That is without question their best uniform. The contrasting yoke makes a huge difference and so do the hem stripes. Their current home jersey is bland enough to border on 'practice uniform' quality.
  3. Haven't painted in over 10 years but will share some digital pieces I've done in the last few. These were all created with Adobe Illustrator CS6.
  4. Masterful work Daniel. Thoroughly impressed with the precision and blending.
  5. Great idea for a thread. Floored by the quality of the work so far. Keep them coming!
  6. The quality of the crest is too high to be a Starter, fashion jersey.
  7. I don't care for football... in any capacity.
  8. The Hawks might have the best home jersey in the league
  9. Stars, Blues, and Devils spring to mind immediately.
  10. The original six do not house the best looking teams in the NHL. Only Boston, Detroit and Chicago deserve this distinction.
  11. Thought pewter was a dull, metallic silver.
  12. I don't think they look terrible by any stretch. It's the liberal use Copperplate that sinks it for me. If they got rid of the unnecessary text that surrounds the roundel, the uniforms would look significantly better.
  13. The Warriors are an example of something mediocre being elevated, solely due to winning.
  14. The current set is better... By a country mile
  15. If only the 1992-93 Penguins were allowed to use the originally proposed set, that consisted of four uniforms.
  16. Flawed? Sure. Better than what the team wears now, on every conceivable level? Absolutely. Is it an unpopular opinion to think their current set is a complete dumpster fire?
  17. Me too. My friend was able to land an authentic version of that very uniform. Never been more jealous, that sweater is a thing of beauty
  18. In full agreement that the Wild's inaugural look was their best. That being said, a green version of the current road would make the set just as good. They can keep the red as the alternate, maybe colour the yoke piping red.
  19. Yeesh, how hard would it have been to create their own skyline, it's not like those are complicated shapes. As for the lifting, it is certainly blatant enough to warrant a case.
  20. Doesn't look that much worse than their actual uniforms
  21. Minnesota's red uniform should stick around, as an alternate, to compliment a green version of their road uniform. The script uniform, with the phantom yokes, is just terrible.
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