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Everything posted by FiddySicks

  1. I dunno this feels like more Astros style BS. You can’t tell me Michigan are alone on this island.
  2. Back when I lived in Phoenix I wanted to see the D Backs play as many games vs the Giants as I could, and was willing to spend around $500-$600 to do so. I wasn’t sure that would be enough for all of the Giants games in Phoenix that year, but I wanted to make sure I had tickets to as many as I could. I ended up getting full season tickets, all 82 home games, pre season, plus four Spring Training games at Salt River Fields for around $400. And it was actually a damn good seat, too. I made it a mission to try to go to every game that I possibly could, and it was :censored:ing BRUTAL. Felt like a funeral home half of the time and Heath Bell blew about a million saves that year. I saw every single one of them he blew at home. I fell asleep at least a dozen times. Spent most of the last two months of the already dead season sitting alone in the upper deck watching Giants games on my phone. Smoked a buncha weed (only safe spot in Phoenix back then, it felt like) and saw a Lincecum no no. Good times! Sorta.
  3. If you’re concerned about the cost, you may be in for a surprise. My friend from Philly (lives in Sacramento now) was ready to drive to Phoenix for game four because tickets were like $35. For a NLCS game! That’s like 10% of what the Phillies were doing for a SRO ticket. :censored:ing Diamondbacks Go home, you’re drunk and it’s past your bed time.
  4. If his time with Tampa last year was any indication, he does not. Can’t stay on the field.
  5. This league :censored:ing sucks. I hate it.
  6. Bucs should leave the bright red to the Niners and Chiefs. The dark red is perfect for them, and goes better with the theme. Yeah it looks more “dingy”, but again, that’s the point. It matches the pirate motif more than the Florida motif. Which I’m fine with because Miami already does the bright Florida style colors over white better than the Bucs ever did with the creamsicles.
  7. God, the more I see of it the more that whole rebrand was such a disaster. This team has done a whole lotta off putting throughout the years that would turn most fans away, but I stayed for just about all of it, because I’m foolish. But that was my breaking point. I actually stopped calling myself a Bucs fan at that point, and hopped back on the 49ers bandwagon for awhile. I just couldn’t do it with those losers anymore. They sucked on the field, and overnight ruined their entire brand. They went from one of the classiest looking teams in the league to the dumbest looking team in NFL history. It’s been years since then and I’m actually still mad about it. @Sport is right that it’s the worst rebrand in not just NFL, but sports history. Them bringing back a look that was closer to the original flag look was like having a curse lifted. I felt like I finally had my team back. There are still issues with the current brand (the shade of pewter, the downgraded logo, as we’ve talked about for the last few pages), but it’s close enough for me. Hopefully this organization gets some sense at some point and realizes what a big mistake it was to change to the new garbage flag, but I doubt it. It’s the one element of the rebrand I just have to sort of live with, I guess.
  8. Lol, yeah, this is the D Backs team I saw last month vs Houston. There they are. I’m was wondering where they went. Super rad of them to take out the Dodgers, but they aren’t winning this series. Oh, also add me to the list of people who have come around on the Phillies (and rather, Philly sports as a whole). When they were rivals with the Giants, I couldn’t stand those dirt balls. But now? Philly is still full of dirt balls, but I kind of love them all? My kinda dirt balls, I guess.
  9. I always thought it was someone taking one of those old mid evil lances and just sorta poking the horse in the nose with it. Like of course he’s rearing up all mad, someone is poking him in the face with a stick.
  10. You definitely weren’t in my house after Manning lost to Florida for the fourth time, apparently. It’s not the colors. The reason I ever became a Bucs fan is because of the similarities to UT. It’s the creepy ass winking pirate, and the fact that it’s in two different shades of orange. When I was a kid, I legit could not make out the logo as a pirate. It just looked like a blob to me. Then one day it hit me what it was, and ngl, it felt somewhat unsettling. It’s like one of those hidden picture tricks where it’s a demon clownface hiding in plain sight in the fluffy bunnies fur or some :censored:.
  11. And I get the argument that the old logo was more “hokey” than the current one, but that was the point! That particular rebrand was such an all around win and such a big upgrade over the winking pirate that there are actually good parts of it that get ignored. But be of those is the continuity the logo upgrade had with the original aesthetic. The original logo was based off of an Errol Flynn/Captain Hook theme, and any time you try to brand something g around their look, it’s going to come across as inherently goofy. They had frills and feathers and silk and a bunch of other things that don’t really mesh with the attitude of football. So with the rebrand, they instead focused on the calligraphy, which was BRILLIANT. It evokes those old pirates without them actually having to appear. Yes it’s flat, it’s rigid, and it’s kind of hokey, but that’s what they were going for! The current logo, otoh, just looks like they tried to make the original flag look like a Chevy truck badge. It’s stupid, overly flashy, and just perfectly American, specially Florida American. I hate it.
  12. This is a perfectly fair point. The current look is a cheap imitation of the first Super Bowl look, but I’m totally fine with that because the uniform set they won their first Super Bowl in is my favorite sports uniform of all time. Even a downgraded version of that is still better than the original 70s look that they were awful in, or the entire alarm clock disaster. My biggest gripe with the Bucs is that they “modernized” their flag and ship logos. The original flag is just a perfect logo, and again is the reason I’m as big of a Bucs fan as I am, and the reason why I’ve wasted so much of my life on this weird sports logos “hobby”. Both of the “upgraded” logos are enormous downgrades from the original, and is the one thing that was kept from the disastrous alarm clock era, from which everything should’ve been incinerated and then stomped and spat on.
  13. Yes they did! But anyone clamoring for them to go back to these full time is nuts. They may look real cute now, but just try to imagine these on the back end of four consecutive ten loss seasons (something this franchise is very capable of at any point) where they wear nothing but the creamsicle throwbacks. It quickly goes from a fun little thing to a pirate with a dagger in its mouth winking at you in baby puke orange and a slightly darker shade of orange. For years. People really can’t quite grasp just how much that look was HATED by the time they changed it. Those old orange unis had such a putrid stench of failure caked into them by 1996. They had to go. These are fun strictly because they so rarely make an appearance. They’re a fun little treat on special occasions. Once a year is enough, and like I’ve said before, I’d like to see it even more infrequently than that, even. Once every five years, give or take, and only for really special occasions.
  14. NFC South lost all four games today, and it’s already the second week that’s happened. Bucs got SMOKED by the Lions, and still lead the division. Good ol mid division football
  15. Watching a Bucs QB in the creamsicles throw an interception in their own territory really brings me back, I tell ya.
  16. Gonna be a lot of talk about he “the refs ruined this one”. Lol, no. The Niners ruined this one. Uninspired performance and just abysmal coaching in the second half. It’s amazing for how good Shanny is, he still has these panic spirals. Browns had zero business winning that game.
  17. I want a Diamondbacks Rangers World Series so badly. That pretty much guarantees we’re getting Phillies Astros part II.
  18. Death, taxes, and the Dodgers flaming out in the playoffs. Happy holidays, everyone! Oh, also, SNAKE :censored:IN TOBER, BITCHES
  19. He thought Luka’s dad was a “bad influence”. Which, I have no idea. Hasn’t seemed to make any difference so far with him in Dallas.
  20. I kinda think that was just them doing their due diligence. Teams need coaches, and there’s a chance if you coached a guy like Luka, you’re probably pretty good. They in the very least kicked the tires on him, but just decided that Ayton was a better prospect. I think people are kind of underrating Ayton’s value coming out of college. He was sort of a Zion type guy, in that he had that same explosiveness, but who had the potential for a good mid range game on top of that (sort of, that never really materialized). Suns were also pretty small, and he seemed like an excellent fit. In retrospect, it was a bad pick, but it was the right pick at the time. The Kings, on the other hand? People were absolutely SCREAMING at the front office to make the Luka pick. Luka was the obvious choice, here’s this generational talent that just so happened to fall into their laps due to nothing but luck, but their GM at the time was a racist dope, so he passed on him for a dude that everyone down to the ticket agents knew was a bad fit. I worked relatively closely with people in that front office at the time and the level of dejection was palpable. People were pissed. And rightly so. Basketball was saved in Sacramento by the skin of its teeth, yet here are these morons who were associated with the previous loser ownership group making more and more poor decisions. I’m glad to see the current ownership group has the sense enough to put the ego aside now, but man was that a frustrating time. It was like, why did we even bother saving this clown ass team if they’re just gonna keep up this dumb :censored:?
  21. We have two former Giants managers who were both at the helm for Giants World Series runs. One of them won three titles. The other… didn’t. I know which one I trust. Rangers in five.
  22. Went back to AZ two weeks ago for the first time since graduating a decade ago. Had a great time. Brought back a lot of great memories of living there. Had an even stronger appreciation that I didn’t get stuck there for the last decade. Great visit. As for living there? Not for me. Kings are still run by dopes (Although they’ve learned some lessons, apparently), but hey, so is their soccer team. Win some lose
  23. Yeah you can’t hate on the Suns for that pick. Ayton was not only a monster in college, but also was the star of the (semi) local powerhouse (frauds) college basketball team. That combo sort of made him a couldn’t pass kinda guy for the Suns. Who you can blame, though, is the Sacramento Kings for just straight up PASSING on Luka for Marvin Bagley. Marvin :censored:ing Bagley. They did that. The Kings. Who are somehow still in Sacramento. For reasons. That I can’t explain.
  24. Yeah so Farhan better find a way to do something pretty quick because he’s probably the reason that Bochy “Retired”. Rangers sure do look ripe for a big post season run!
  25. Dodgers are really gonna do this again, huh?
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