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Everything posted by Digby

  1. Nice first half for the USMNT. Have always thought Weah is kinda lowkey underrated as one of the team's winger options, I'm happy to see him start and score. Very solid first half... good pressure, kept possession, making something of the chances was (not shockingly) more of a struggle than it needed to be but it's good that they stuck to the process til it worked. Ref's all over the place though.
  2. I kinda like either of the options outlined in yellow. To Ridleylash's point, I think the blue base is just desaturated/light enough that putting red numbers on top doesn't clash. Feel like matching the printing color layout to a yoke and/or stripes is generally a safe bet.
  3. My take is that match printing is a stupid and ugly tradition, and makes the ill-considered design of the crest/number printing on the USA jerseys even worse.
  4. First half, Iran's keeper got a head injury and a nosebleed that the medics took a long time to treat on-pitch. When they were done he tried to stay in the match only to immediately fall over and call for a new round of medical attention. Second half, Maguire had had a head injury as well as a VAR check. Though the 10 minutes that time felt excessive, idk.
  5. He's got the energy of a guy who spends hundreds of dollars on tickets to see Bruce Springsteen or that Grateful Dead John Mayer band, but does not exactly, ah, share the values of the artists on stage. And also lacks the self-awareness of that fact. Big "I'm just asking questions" energy, probably loves the idea of Musk Twitter, a rock'n'roll rebel in the same way that that creepy Subaru salesman with the annoying ads outside Boston has that persona.
  6. I don't really fault any fans who want to watch. (I think there's something wrong with you to go there and watch in person, but watching at home I mean.) Maybe it's an opportunity to flip it around like the person who organized the donations to domestic violence charities having been forced to root for Aroldis Chapman. When your team scores, donate to Amnesty or an LGBTQ nonprofit working in the Middle East or something. If we're boycotting, it should be the sponsors, frankly. Adidas made some nice kits -- I really want one of those Japan ones -- but I'm not buying anything from them, sorry. Coca-Cola, Budweiser, McDonald's... pass. Sponsors are the only ones with actual leverage with FIFA and they stood by and did nothing this whole time, happy to paste their brand all over the event.
  7. Defector has taken to translating his name to "John Baby" and as far as I'm concerned that's his name going forward. He looks like a John Baby even now. Whoops! What a bully I am.
  8. What? Postgame work for players is a normal thing. You don't always see it with the away guys but it's not unheard of. It's not "time to go home" if there are still fans and media there witnessing the whole thing, we are not talking like it's 12:30 in the morning here. Players can do their thing and the bull gang waits til they're done. This is not the town rec league gym with a hard stop. Literally the only reason this is a story is because Harrell got bizarrely aggro and caused a scene -- which prolonged the ordeal. Pushing the ladder was maybe a Karen-level move from Giannis but didn't rise to the level of POS.
  9. ...to prevent nine of the European teams from wearing these more specifically (I am intolerant towards the LGBTQ community)-supportive armbands that they intended to. If you find this armband too edgy for Qatar, I don't know what to tell you. It's not even a normal rainbow flag pattern anyone would recognize! EDIT: Mods, gonna have to ask you to reconsider how the "Q" word is used in our communities in the past decade or so.
  10. The white outlines on the Panthers' RR are really throwing me, given the relative lack of white elsewhere on the uniform. The number/lettering should be different, though I can't decide on what -- navy outlined in yellow? Red outlined in yellow? Red outlined in navy?
  11. That's weird. Guess the glitch-checkerboard pattern doesn't count as much red in FIFA's eyes. Seems like less changing compared to the last two World Cups, even in instances where a change kit would provide obviously better contrast. I should probably just stop trying to make any sense of FIFA and rules.
  12. Croatia's in a group that's all red/white teams, wondering if they're going to have to wear their away kit each time once again.
  13. The legacy of this WC will just be the new "I had a black friend, once" as bad excuse generator. I didn't think Infantino was as, let's call it "blasé about the optics" as Sepp Blatter was, but I guess that's no longer the case. The funny thing is that he's almost making a good point, but the fact that he is making this speech at all represents such a massive moral failure on FIFA's part. A soccer tournament should not even be in the conversation with human rights crises of the past! This is a low bar to clear, you idiot!
  14. The Athletic story seems to suggest otherwise. IDK, Harrell sounds unhinged to me! Postgame work happens, I'm not understanding the weird resistance here.
  15. Pinstripes on the roads but not the homes works pretty well for me here. Especially appreciate the subtlety of the grey pinstripes, it works well. Otherwise not crazy about any of it... still feel the script is well-designed but feels a touch too weightless. The typeface works well in the Minnesota mark but not sure about the numbers, feels like it might be dated quickly. The M-star logo looks nice, but will never be an upgrade over the TC cap logo, which is the Twins quirk that they should always keep. Though the worst part is the single-color TC, ick, maybe that should have been where the M-star comes in.
  16. Anyone who goes to Qatar for this thing probably doesn't deserve the joys of getting sloshed at a world-class soccer game anyway. That said, really thought they weren't dumb enough to mess with the sponsors. I guess since the sponsors refused to stand up against this sham tournament, they've lost their leverage.
  17. If they switched to this shade of green, they'd have to switch to navy blue also, which would be very Seahawks but also look substantially better. I actually really like their current shade of blue, it's very pleasant looking and pretty unique in the league, but it doesn't work well with the green. Maybe it would work with like a fluoro yellow-green, or a forest green, but both of those won't ever happen.
  18. I like the current uniqueness of their crest shape and branding overall but it definitely feels very dated in a 2000s way. Seattle seems to have an unusually competent FO so I feel like they won't let things go as sideways as some of the recent disasters we've seen, but I also wouldn't be surprised if there was at least one element that's just ill-considered change for its own sake, like injecting fluoro yellow into the brand or something. Just please don't be a roundel. (Also change your color to city flag teal!!)
  19. The New York metro area already has one 25k soccer stadium that's never close to full for MLS games -- gotta wonder if the 7 train and a competent marketing department are enough to make this one different. Seems like everyone errs on the side of being smaller... better to drive up demand and charge higher ticket prices, I guess. NYCFC attendance has been good-but-not-great through the years, and while I'm sure it'll improve when they have a proper stadium and stop playing in four different states, I can still see why you'd want to play it safe with those numbers. I think Toronto and Nashville are the only pure-soccer stadiums to break that number so far, and one of those is a national team home base (and I suspect the other wants to be, hence 30k).
  20. Athletic says that all season-ticket members for all teams get the free subscription, and also: Not sure if that means totally free a la the MLB games, or if you'd just have to have an Apple TV sub... either way, seems like the subscription package is intended for the diehards. And ESPN and Fox will (probably) still have some numbers of games too. If I can still easily watch half of my team's games without a subscription, that's probably enough for me and I'll pass on buying the whole thing. I have other things to do on Saturday nights!
  21. I don't think we've ever known for sure Mookie wanted out. As far as we know, the team never offered him a comparable extension to what he ended up signing with LAD. So it was a similar thing -- happy to pay Trevor Story the big bucks, though. (And let's not forget Pablo Sandoval in this history!)
  22. Assuming a navy home kit, this was my guess too. And it’s more in line with the traditional Rhode Island shade of blue so it works on a few levels. Overall a strong debut. I hope they make enough noise to absorb some of the attention from the Revs’ Rhode Island contingent and rattle the cage a little bit.
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