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Everything posted by Digby

  1. Today's Dennis Eckersley's last game as a broadcaster and even that might get rained out. I always found Jerry Remy more annoying than most Sox fans did (sorry) but Eck is and always has been a delight, just makes the games so much more fun to listen to. Hard to think of many people who were so good as players AND broadcasters. I can't imagine watching games next year with some newbie TV guy and this revolving-door milquetoast roster. Grim times at Fenway.
  2. Every time I think it couldn't get worse, it does! Paulson has always had such an icky sheen to him and clearly that wasn't for no reason. And before anyone says "every billionaire would do the same thing" -- maybe that's true, but one of the most stunning, relatively small details in that report is that email from a redacted almost-buyer of the NWSL Boston Breakers who was doing due diligence but nope'd right on out when they found out what a culture was happening. I don't know how you save a league with a culture like this.
  3. That might be it. I don't know that I ever see the logo without the inner part of the roundel filled in with white. It's like they didn't follow their own style guide in designing the new court.
  4. Maybe this is a reactionary thing because it’s something “new” in the Celtics brand, but I feel like the center court logo looks terrible without the white background. (To say nothing of the baseline ads, when the Celtics arguably already had one).
  5. Given that the schedules are unbalanced anyway, I don't think this is a problem -- would be better to reduce travel and let Nashville foment those future rivalries. Like the glory days of the 16 NL / 14 AL baseball. But maybe the math doesn't pencil out.
  6. Didn't really understand the need to move Nashville around when this was obviously inevitable. STL in the West makes sense and their rivalry with KC will be the next one the league beats relentlessly I'm sure.
  7. Baseball is no sillier than performance art, or going skiing, or watching 80 superhero movies per year ... humans have a need for the occasional dip into meaningless entertainment and watching competition is as valid as any other. Doesn't mean it doesn't have big problems but I find the "it's a kids game" argument overly reductive. Plus there needs to be a place where masculine aggression can be contained, instead of like starting wars or violent acts.
  8. The England aways really need navy shorts as the default choice. The bloodclot look doesn't suit them. Also not sure about all the light blue trim... as much as I love a design that successfully omits white, the light blue is maybe too cute and it causes the numbers to clash with the also-bright red. Maybe the numbers need to be navy too.
  9. I've always been on board with this for the reasons @MJWalker45stated and the need for the team to have the occasional Boston appearance -- really miss the halcyon days of US Open Cup games at Harvard's soccer stadium -- but the era of soccer games at Fenway (even including Liverpool) seems to have ended, and the assumption is that the Krafts and John Henry have little-to-no relationship. I think this Rose Bowl thing is kind of an exception. Most big rivalry matches take place in more modern NFL stadiums that can be expanded as needed, or simply haven't got the traction that El Trafico has. No way NYC/NYRB would fill MetLife.
  10. When you have your bag of say-nothing cliches ready but it won't work in this case but :censored: it who cares:
  11. Partnering with a streamer is one thing, but putting it exclusively on the streaming service... I feel like we aren't there yet. Unless maybe it's Netflix or Hulu. Are these Apple TV games on Fridays being simulcast on local affiliates at least, the way the NFL has done? If that's the case, that's less objectionable to me. And it's kind of unfortunate to the history books that iconic moments are ending up there. Not exactly Phil Rizzuto or Harry Caray or Vin Scully classic calls, here. A famous moment goes down in history with like a C-squad play-by-play guy and weird Apple chyrons. Idk.
  12. I mean that's pretty much it. It's fine. Almost anything is better than an wasteful empty lot in downtown Boston. I'm not really interested in the luxury condos, office building, night club, gigantic underground grocery store or Guy Fieri burrito restaurant so I can't really speak to those. The food court is the usual fast-casual concepts that have enough VC backing to afford rent in a new build, not anything revelatory but better than the nightmare bro bars across the street. The gigantic sports pub is bad. The fancy movie cinema was kind of nice for the few months it was open before covid and bankruptcy. Every new building in Boston makes a big show of "we're not the old stodgy Boston" by adopting a weird offset stack-of-boxes aesthetic, and at this point this is an area where I prefer old stodgy Boston.
  13. That pretty much sounds right to me. Insufferably annoying bounce-back year for Brooklyn, Boston is stalked by drama and underwhelms, Minny and Memphis take some kind of leap but it all ends in yet another GSW win that we're all sick of. Would be fitting.
  14. Rapid7 were also I think the first tenant in the office building that they built on the site of the original Boston Garden, which was a parking lot for 25 years until they finally built an office building on it 3 months before covid. So that’s interesting. Still couldn’t tell you what Rapid7 is or does.
  15. Shams is already walking back the “consensual” detail (without admitting as such) and the presser today seemed to imply the team investigation uncovered more.
  16. I’ve occasionally figured it out and the key is streaming both the radio and TV, like radio on the smartphone or whatever, if you can pause both and use the back-15-sec. button and have a bit of trial and error. Of course, 2 or 3 times during the game you’ll deal with one of them buffering and you’ll have to mess around with it all again. Doing this in the analog days never worked perfectly either; maybe the cable I grew up with sucked.
  17. It's hard to say for sure, since we don't really know what happened (and probably won't) (and probably shouldn't). This is probably more an indictment of the penalty for serial harassment. The convenience of the details that have leaked so far I think is really irresponsible gossiping from the Shams-Woj complex. Stick to trades!
  18. Pretty much. I know it won't please most of the powder-blue era fans but that set always needed some dark color in there. But not so dark as to be boring navy.
  19. The color scheme is an improvement, never understood why the previous Statement needed white. But I still can't stand the Mile High City thing. Just apply this color scheme to the main jersey set and be done with it.
  20. Escalated quickly. Seems weird to me that a consensual relationship with a co-worker, while bad, would merit the same punishment as the owner who was harassing every woman in the office for years.
  21. What an offseason for the Celtics. The Gallinari and Williams injuries were bad luck, this is just very dumb from Ime! Imagine cheating on Nia Long!
  22. The insistence on bespoke fonts for every team every cycle reached NBA City-levels of "no good ideas left" long ago. I don't know if that one is worse than the print-shop-chic basic block that the USMNT is using this cycle, but they're two extremes of horrid.
  23. I think I like your mockup better in a vacuum but it also looks like an inevitable Penguins fauxback we haven't got to yet, which is not something I've thought about with the real one.
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