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Everything posted by Digby

  1. Looks like Arsenal are wearing the grey goalkeeper kit socks for their outfield players with the black away today? I guess it sorta matches the stripes on the shirt, almost?
  2. I mean anyone is an improvement over Gallinari if he can’t play. Melo or one of the guys from the ongoing Utah tear down works, if Brad and Danny wanna make a deal. Just needs to be the 8th best player on the team and knock down enough shots to make the bench minutes respectable and take the slightest scoring load off the Jays.
  3. Feels like someone is going to draft Bronny outrageously high (he's a mid-2nd rounder at best, right?) just to extort Cleveland, and who could blame them? Also, Gallinari tore his ACL on FIBA duty, which is a pretty unlucky twist to Boston's previously promising summer.
  4. I think it was two years for this, and then only one year for the variant with a navy away jersey (which is ridiculous, but). I agree that this was better thanks to the merciful replacement of Aachen Bold and the needed inclusion of a dark color in the scheme. But I also think there were too many outlines going on, and the color jerseys would've been improved by deleting white entirely (a la the 00s alternate).
  5. I liked the SexLand emergence but hard to argue against Mitchell being a clear upgrade. I think it's a great trade for Cleveland, they've got 3 or 4 All-Stars now. It's nice to see them being competent and truly going for it sans LeBron. Even though their uniforms suck now. Depth seems like it may be an issue for them, but that's a future problem. Also, lol Knicks.
  6. Shams: Wasn't betting on that landing spot!
  7. I don't know why the Celtics haven't wanted to touch the Russell-era classics since the Pierce/KG years. Maybe just making the numbers a hair smaller and switching to a serif block wordmark isn't enough to sell jerseys. But it's a shame they won't use them this year.
  8. I mean, it's a valid frustration. These are ultimately schemes to sell more merch and add a little extra interest to watching the game. The historical record is not validated by what throwbacks get worn. So going all the way back to the franchise's first year, if said first year was a brief blip in a different city in a time that was so ramshackle that the uniforms weren't even consistent (as this thread has shown) is maybe missing the forest for the trees. Are any Rockets fans really secretly jonesing to wear Sonics merch?
  9. The Angels have had all this stadium angst, crappy ownership and play second-fiddle to the dynastic team of our time, but despite that have drawn relatively well and caught at least some coattails of being in a big market. So I don't see much value in moving them out of the market entirely (as long as they don't try to get cute with DTLA, which seems like suicide). They've always been a strong-if-unspectacular franchise during times of competent stewardship.
  10. Any step in the right direction of Adidas teams getting bespoke team typefaces instead of the generic manufacturer one is a step I'd support. Aside from that quirk (and Argentina and Belgium's weird flame nonsense) I'd agree that this is a really excellent range for Adidas this year. Puma is always lowkey the worst designer at major tournaments. Like the third wheel to the Nike/Adidas rivalry that's too weak and messy to even pay attention to.
  11. I liked the navy Nuggets for three reasons: the lack of white, the wordmark change not being great but at least saving us from more Aachen Bold, and powder blue being too light a color to use as an away IMO. The current royal blue one is a nice color combo that feels as "classic Nuggets" as is able to exist with some modern flair to it, just a shame about the "Mile High Basketball" nonsense. The current colors and wordmarks and logos all feel appropriate for Denver in the 2020s, but does seem oddly difficult to make a decent jersey out of.
  12. It's nice and different and a good reminder that they tied themselves to Urban Outfitters chic from 10 years ago.
  13. I thought it was: - 4 series against your division - 2 series against your non-division but same league - 1 series against the other league (home/away rotating annually)
  14. No shortage of wordmark inspo from the 'Mats discography, either.
  15. nbatopstore.com, really? Let's be careful how much stock we put in to leaks from a very obvious knockoff NBA store.
  16. Fine by me, "Wizards" was a short-sighted and regrettable name change from the start that doesn't fit the team. Come to think of it, it's kinda funny that their most memorable non-Jordan moment as the Wizards was a handgun controversy.
  17. Very weird choice to have a women's team, specifically, branded as if they are just uh, items of property to be bought, sold, and shipped.
  18. Won't happen in modern times but Washington could do well to go back to simple boring block type. Current one is fine for the wordmark but the numbers are spindly and tough to read. Previous one is too whimsical and Disney even for that era. Just make it block!
  19. I do admit to feeling some amount of good feelings for the Arsenal and Man Utd kits of the time, but I think that's the nostalgia for the era talking in my head... (and yeah, the fact that club versions necessarily disposed of some of the most egregious templatizations of the international versions).
  20. Woof, hard disagree. Not sure which I hated most, the pool-ball front numbers, the baby-bib piping treatment, or the almost total lack of design elements beyond that. The new Nike template is hideous but I guess I can give them credit that they're at least using a wider variety of inspirations for the design and graphics that are layered atop it this year.
  21. That's actually less bad than the supposed prototypes where it was a completely white, no-trim home kit and a periwinkle away kit. At least the colors are right and I'm honestly kind of into the tie-dye sublimation trend suddenly happening in world soccer design. But this template is not good.
  22. Russell didn’t want his number retired in Boston not out of humbleness but because of the city’s virulent racism. He was famously loyal to the Auerbach-era organization itself, which always supported him, not the city or the fans. It says a lot that the team and city rebuilt enough bridges that, in the 90s I think it was, they eventually had a second retirement ceremony that actually had fans in the building, and that Russell became a regular presence in Boston in his later years (and now he is rightly considered one of the city’s Rushmore athletes, not an uppity black man.) Splitting hairs over what constitutes a sufficient civil rights contribution for this honor seems uncouth. It’s a worthy thing to retire the number. Though I like that logo idea someone mentioned.
  23. Predictably, Newcastle’s aqua training shirt looks nearly white in the bright sun… still barely distinguishable on TV from Brighton when players’ backs are turned.
  24. ^ by that rational I would've thought Newcastle's navy would be okay, too, given Brighton's white back. Ideally with navy shorts/socks. Maybe they don't have those.
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