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Everything posted by WSU151

  1. Anaheim's tiny wordmark crest sweaters in 2007 are far worse than the Knights. Pittsburgh's black and khaki paint-by-number color block set is a close second.
  2. I think it looks better as a USC/Texans style stripe than as a full loop. It's got more of a clawed feel to it.
  3. The black swatch off-centered is the inside of the waistband...it's been a thing the last five years or so in NBA and college where players fold over the waistband. Normally, the strings are on the inside of the shorts, not the outside. The size tag on the back side is also folded over and on the outside when it should be hidden from view. I never made the connection of the Nuggets' City unis to Union Station...but with your post, I think they're far better than I thought (and I really liked them). I waited to buy one in April and May and missed out.
  4. The Lions’ current unis aren’t super modern. If they wear silver pants it’ll look similar to the 70s and if they wear blue pants it’ll look similar to the 90s. When the Raiders wear their current jerseys against a team like the Jets or Seahawks, it’s mismatched eras, right? With the Seahawks wearing throwbacks against the Browns, I’d rather have the Browns wear their current unis than wear the 1946 throwbacks with presumably a white helmet.
  5. The league can definitely do a league-wide throwback - hell, that’s what 1994 (and 2009 for the AFL teams) was all about, and now in the 2020s it’d be silly if teams had fauxback shells. I wouldn’t save them for only Thursdays because throwbacks look great in the sun.
  6. I would say the squared blue shoulders are closer to the Bills’ 2002 set than anything the Patriots wore. That silver/white/navy does bear a resemblance to the Pats but like you said, these debuted a few months prior.
  7. This was the Als' jersey in 2000, which seems like what Buffalo was trying to emulate in 2002. I think ESPN personalities were joking about how the Bilks looked like Montreal in preseason 2002…for some reason I remember Chris Berman saying something about the similarity.
  8. This is the best bet, not sure why they need a mysterious teaser for it
  9. Yeah it’s black on black. Every draft hat has the wordmark in thread that matches the hat color. Other black hats (Heat, Blazers, Magic) have the same black outlines.
  10. Though we saw a preview of the Kings' new script, it's not reflected in the draft hat (can't tell if this is a black hat or a dark gray hat...guessing black). Surprisingly, the Lakers' hat will be yellow (they usually go with purple or black)
  11. This seems to negate any rumors of the Canucks changing, right?
  12. Leagues heavily restrict access to the style guides.
  13. Miami hasn’t had a white hot jersey since the adidas days, I don’t think. Normal white and black jerseys, reds, the ransom notes and the HWCs are all they had this year.
  14. Sounds agreeable to me, sounds like that was the general sentiment in 2021. IMO, I don’t need constant reminders every time a tweet with a new jersey ad is posted that ads are ugly. I got it.
  15. Because it’s become really really really old. If played 3 Blind Mice on a recorder all the time for years you’d tell me to find another song. If I told you the same knock knock joke 50 times in a row you’d be hard pressed to laugh on the last one. I look forward to reading news about new uni updates. I’ve been on here 18+ years. Seeing the same “I hate corporation” posts doesn’t add any value to the sports logos section. We all agree to an extent already so not sure as to the need to constantly push the point other than to fish for an argument. Oh well, I’ll learn to ignore it.
  16. I had no idea complaining about third party corporate greed was sports aesthetics. Two different buckets in my view. Oh well I’m definitely looking forward to the same bored people having the same complaints about corporations and billionaires while avoiding discussions about actual jersey aesthetics over and over again. I didn’t know this was a group therapy board.
  17. Counterproposal: The design of ads are fair game, the changing of the sponsors are fair game…the endless bashing of the entities seems out of scope in terms of “uniform aesthetics” (especially when it’s just echo chamber discussion for the most part as we all would rather not have ads) and better suited for a another thread or category on the board. The sponsor logo, and the people on the BoG and in the C-Suite, are two different things. Examples: “That Rakuten logo on the Warriors jerseys is too big and looks awful, just like all the other ads this year” - perfect for Logos/Uniforms ”Rakuten is just another greedy business and billionaires are terrible and ruining the game and my life for introducing even more ads in the game.” - perfect for Sports in General/The Lounge
  18. nm Ridley covered it. I had no idea though that “I just want to talk uniform aesthetics” was code for “I want to bash corporations at every turn and pretend like I want to boycott the league”. My bad guys.
  19. taken from https://www.espn.com/college-sports/story/_/id/37781820/big-12-talks-expansion-source-says-commish-touts-plan
  20. For a few people that’s true. Just hope you’re not one of them. There’s literally nothing dumber than “What if we just had a bunch of people not watch hockey so we get what we want”. It’s pure delusion/alternate reality stuff. . The ads are here to stay. I don’t like it. But nobody outside of some niche group - insert “there are dozens of us!!! Dozens!!!” meme - is going to boycott playoff hockey because of the ads. The constant circling back to “duhhhh ads are bad, I hate ads, we should boycott seriously but not really, and also, I hate ads” that occurs every six weeks or so is so tired. If you all want to beat dead horses so bad, set up a “Dead (Or Partially Alive) Horses We Love To Beat” thread. Constant groaning about ads - when this board clearly has no influence as to what leagues are doing - just sucks the fun and utility out of these yearly changes threads. #reality
  21. Lol “Hello, Commissioner? It looks like ratings are down 9 viewers and amazingly we think they’re all from a sports logos message board….should we change our strategy?? …maybe we can set up a 2-3 hour in-person meeting on Monday with them to discuss…….sorry, do they have what, Sir? … Oh yes, they do have a Change.org petition…yes…um it has 43 signatures right now…right…no, not thousand, just 43 total…correct…Um I found two or three tweets about it with a few RTs…ok talk soon” The best strategy would probably be to set up a table outside a grocery store or in an airport and tell people not to watch hockey because of the jersey ads. I’m sure the results would be overwhelmingly positive /sarcasm
  22. Maybe, but I don’t think putting a white outline around the logo to break up the intersection would have violated any style guide parameter.
  23. These look very similar to the 2014 draft hats:
  24. A lot of speculation about the Jets changing sweaters, but this hat seems unfazed: Weird that Fanatics didn't want to include one blue stripe (or possible two stripes) for the Leafs:
  25. Fourth or fifth consecutive year where jersey stripes are a prominent feature…time to think of another idea.
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