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Everything posted by WSU151

  1. These look very similar to the 2014 draft hats:
  2. A lot of speculation about the Jets changing sweaters, but this hat seems unfazed: Weird that Fanatics didn't want to include one blue stripe (or possible two stripes) for the Leafs:
  3. Fourth or fifth consecutive year where jersey stripes are a prominent feature…time to think of another idea.
  4. It’s one of my favorites lol. I liked the black-purple-black look with the serifed numbers. The white stripe was weird.
  5. Devils posted this on IG, apparently the center ice logo isn’t painted onto the floor, it’s more of a vinyl wrap maybe? edit: Maybe that wrap being washed has nothing to do with center ice (the “outer” circle in the video is black, but the center ice circle is blue for games). Always thought crews painted everything. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CsrBgDoPWab/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==
  6. I don’t need every team wearing icy whites thanks to fan votes.
  7. Baltimore’s CC is BFBS? lol nah that’s not what BFBS means
  8. IIRC, this was one of the first unveilings that really took advantage of the internet. Strong memories of looking at this “new” logo package and uniforms while using dialup AOL.
  9. *cough*Broncos and Seahawks too*cough*
  10. Would a navy helmet stripe with a red mask work? Would be a subtle nod to the Oilers (white shell, red mask). The subtle longhorn piping in the jersey is pretty cool.
  11. You wanted the pants to be the crazy artsy colorful pattern? White pants with a colorful stripe down the sides would have been just fine. ——————— Unpopular take probably - the orange New Era flag is a cool touch on the hat.
  12. The background image is from 1996; if the was to use the serifed numbers, add them to the base too. They eliminated most of the serifs when they went to drop-shadowed numbers in 1997.
  13. Yeah the Dodgers, Red Sox, and Giants were the weakest of the 2021 class IMO. Dodgers’ City gear may not be selling very well because it’s far too close to the regular set (well, the regular blue jersey)
  14. It is the H-Town font they’ve using on sweatshirts and tees…
  15. Equipment rooms usually have a pretty good collection of old helmets (from own team and other teams), and that's an old-style helmet type - it looks to be Tomlinson's old helmet - so I don't know if we can read too much into it. A navy helmet could work for the Chargers with the navy uniforms, if done right.
  16. That’s five in six seasons (wait they also had The City/trolley car HWCs too) and they may not have one next year. They’re more the exception rather than the rule. Miami, Milwaukee, San Antonio, Phoenix, Houston, Brooklyn and Detroit won’t all be wearing HWCs next year. Totally forgot they had a white We Believe HWC (worn for one game - the last game of 2018/19 - and apparently they wore them based on a special player request, which means these were a ridiculous exemption of any so-called HWC rule that floats on the internet).
  17. Actually, it would indicate they’re getting new Citys (as most teams have new Citys every year), and teams that wear Classics one year usually don’t have Classics the next. Not every team wears Classics every year.
  18. Conrad said three teams are getting new Icon/Association sets; pretty sure they’ll be Suns, Sixers, Kings.
  19. I’d say a lighter green would work too. The women’s Final Four in Tampa a few years ago had navy, light blue, soft lime green, and yellow and it was a pretty phenomenal palette.
  20. So the four HWC teams next year are: Utah Charlotte Orlando Philadelphia ??
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