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Everything posted by Cujo

  1. The first major graphics overhaul I can recall for a Super Bowl was CBS for Super Bowl 26. They kept this package up until their deal with the NFL ended two years later.
  2. Who's the next QB down from Collins? Vinnie Testaverde?
  3. Josh Allen's career is starting to mirror Kerry Collins
  4. Having courtside announcers shout at players to take 3s to win bets for them is dangerous and extremely pathetic at the same time.
  5. The guy who drew these up must've been obsessed with Mortal Kombat
  6. To give an their next potential head coach a trial run as interim.
  7. Milwaukee isn't taking the news well.
  8. And that's the position they've put themselves in. Brady's Patriots never won a huge road game either.
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