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Everything posted by rams80

  1. Yeah, but you aren't going to get all 30 owners to agree to buying out said lease. Hell, you might not get sufficient agreement on re-expansion, which means the union has every right to be concerned. Also the Federales and the sacred anti-trust exemption might come up again. Personally I think the Sawx shelling out a small portion of the lordly sums they rake in is for more of the greater good.
  2. That doesn't mean a new Expos team couldn't attract fans, especially if it's the already-competent Rays moving there.And where else are the Rays going to get a better fanbase? Charlotte? Not unless they become a NASCAR team. New York? Not with the Yankees and Mets firmly entrenched. Tampa? All that would happen there is that the "fans" would find another excuse to not show up to games that don't involve the Yankees or Red Sox. From what I've gathered on here the French don't like baseball and can't be convinced to like it in numbers that would make the team viable.
  3. Here's what those involved in the rebranding process had to say: "There is some confusion/trademarking issues with the Route 66 sign, so the challenge was: How do you tell the story of cars on the most famous highway, without going near the sign. Muscle cars became a huge inspiration, hence the classic Blue & Orange Unical 76 color scheme." - Jason Klein, Brandiose“The idea is to make it (Inland Empire 66ers identity) come alive with the character. We were looking for something that had action to it. It was hard to take the Route 66 shield and apply any action to it.” - Donna Tuttle, Inland Empire 66ers co-owner “Although our old logo has served a great purpose for our office and organization, we did not feel it supported the enthusiasm and creativity that our organization is known for." - Joe Hudson, Inland Empire 66ers General Manager Fine. I don't think muscle car engines spray oil everywhere though.
  4. Why couldn't Inland Empire update the highway shield for a secondary logo? It'd be a better choice than the broken-down engine that's spraying oil everywhere.
  5. Well yeah, you could get run over by a car, you could get struck by lightning, you could go to a chain restaurant, you could get an STD, you could get shot, you could get an STD while being treated for your gunshot wound, you could go to Busch Gardens and get maimed in some way or another. Sure the weather may be fine, but aside from that the Tampa Bay region is apparently a giant hellhole.
  6. Yes. Arkansas-Fayetteville isn't going to create another rival for the affections of Arkansans except maybe as a way to escape War Memorial Stadium for good (AKA the "UAB" strategy.) Arlington doesn't want to expend the resources to add football either.
  7. The "Bill the Cat" Conference probably doesn't want anything to do with a school that had faculty vote on a recommendation to drop back down on I-AA after the first year in I-A. Regardless of ZOMG! BOSTON MEDIA FOOTPRINT!!!!1111one
  8. Blackberry to report nearly a $1 Billion loss this quarter. So who would have ultimately taken the Hamilton Coyotes off of Balsillie's hands?
  9. The Braves franchise may have more history, but Atlanta has far less history as an NL city than either Pittsburgh or Cincinnati. Atlanta's an expansion market with an old franchise. They go. Of course neither Philly nor Boston can support two teams and I suspect the AL would prefer a West Coast presence of some form, so that could also change as well.
  10. Makes perfect sense... it's the Dred Scott of HFBoards. I think Plessy v. Ferguson is the case you were looking for.
  11. Cincinnati has been an NL city since 1890. Atlanta has only been one since 1966. The Reds franchise has 5 World Series titles. The Braves franchise in their existence 3. Also, Cincy would also likely date back to 1876 if not for the original organization being kicked out of the league because the quest for respectability among the other owners prompted them to ban beer sales at their stadiums and the NL's Cincinnati organization refused to comply.
  12. The twice migrated Braves do not have more history than the Reds. Try it again.
  13. :censored:ing brilliant idea. Expand into a market where they'll be contractually obligated to be the 3rd tenant in the arena behind a men's and women's college team. Ton of thought went into that one there. That doesn't apply to Virginia Beach at all. Yes, but "the proposed arena is an unethical crime perpetrated on the citizenry by business interests" does.
  14. hope no one minds But how do you charge for every parking space if you play at a strip mall? Subcontract the Sinaloa Cartel to harass those who chose to park further away.
  15. You've never been to Central or Southern Indiana have you.
  16. More serious question. Is the out clause triggered at $50 million AND 5 years or $50 million period. Because if its the latter, I suspect the Quebecois are about to give Ice Edge access to their finest book cookers. Not that you need a fine book cooker to claim a $50 million loss for Phoenix in one season.
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