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Everything posted by SFGiants58

  1. The exact quote was “Las Vegas or somewhere else.” That was a carefully-selected word choice, given the Raiders moving to Las Vegas.
  2. I’m not sure that it’s good branding to have both a Stars and an Astros in the same level. I know that Los Angeles Angels makes sense in a linguistic sense, but the alliteration/assonance makes “Angels” far more usable. Going the Hollywood angle with Stars could work, to homage the PCL team’s city name. A film canister as a baseball roundel, anybody?
  3. This a countermeasure to Oakland suing over the coliseum site. I doubt much comes of this, aside from trying to push Oakland to not lose all of their teams.
  4. Well, they had to dump Dukes for fairly obvious reasons. It's why nobody in their right mind would use the name "Conquistadors" for a team these days and why the Padres downplayed the Swingin' Friar for a bit.
  5. Don Cherry said far worse things and was allowed to retire of his own free will. I doubt anything will come of it.
  6. The Buffalo Braves’ logo never looked liked a feather. It looks more like a rocket exhaust or a contrail. That’s why they could bring it back, given the NBA’s attempts at “commercial wokeness.”
  7. Bleeds into it, but it's negligible. It should be treated the same way the Brewers treat that one year in Seattle, as in "forgotten." The Brewers don't acknowledge any 1969-based anniversaries, which is how it should be. I was more referring to if Titans fans wanted it (I doubt they do), and yes, I'm sure people in Houston would be outraged over it and the Texans might try to protest the idea. If the Oilers were legitimately popular in Nashville, the Titans would have done throwbacks to the classic look on a regular basis (a la the Falcons, Bucs, and Rams). Jets, you could get away with (Phoenix's airport is a bit of SouthWest Airlines hub). SuperSonics/Sonics, after what happened? Hell no. The Oilers' situation is similar and it was a mistake to let the Tennessee Oilers exist for two years. I can see case-by-case, but most cases say no. I'd say the Browns of the South is more appropriate. It's so tied to their old location, that they shouldn't go back. The Titans' brand may not be to your taste, but it could have been refined (pun not intended) into something that was classy and simple. Maybe giving in to the minimalism fad would have helped them achieve a cleaner look that's less tied to what looked good in 1999 (granted, powder/white/navy and white/powder/navy were easily the best uniforms in their set and pretty beautiful to me). Operating like their hockey partners might have helped. At the very least, the navy helmet was a good change to me. No Oilers throwbacks! Fair enough there. I love learning this stuff! Seriously, it's fascinating to hear about the local culture and how it might not translate to the national perception of the city. That's a fascinating way in which the city formed. I was learning a little bit about the history when looking into Dean Corll (who committed most of the murders in The Heights and a few other suburbs). One thing came up with great frequency, namely how the city went through a boom and its relatively small police force couldn't keep up (and refused federal aid, because the chief of police was a c-word). I can see how that hinders a national narrative, especially compared to the other Texas metropoles. Hmm, I didn't know that! I like Wes Anderson.
  8. Two awful seasons that nobody really cares about. Sure, they have the history in the record books (as they should), but do any Titans fans give a crap about what happened in Houston? The '99 team was the Titans, not the Oilers. Steve McNair had his best work as a Titan. Vince Young was a Titan. Marcus Mariota is a Titan. They're not Oilers, except for the first few years of Steve McNair's career. I don't think there's market research to support that. Should we have the Oklahoma City SuperSonics then? The Washington Expos? The Phoenix Jets (before the Thrashers relocated)? Just because the uniforms and the team sucks doesn't mean they should take back their old brand that's so thoroughly tied to another city. They couldn't. It's too tied to Houston. Nobody gives a :censored: about two awful seasons of Houston's team playing in Tennessee. There's really nothing that stands out about the Thunder's tenure, other than falling to the Heat in five games in the NBA Finals. You see how that logic is a problem? Let the Oilers stay dead. If Houston can't have it, nobody should have it. That's why the NFL retired the name.
  9. I care about the pre-SF history of the Giants, but only because it was so thoroughly marketed when the team hadn't won a title since 1954. After the three-in-five, there's less emphasis on the New York history. Moving with the Dodgers helped make it profitable and relevant to fans to acknowledge that history. I still kind of wish the Dodgers-Giants rivalry became the Angels-Seals rivalry in 1958. I've read a @Buc post about the Snatit that nobody really cares about the Oilers history in Tennessee, nor should they. Steve McNair, parts of that '99 team, and Vince Young are more important to them. Thanks. Now that you've explained it like that, I get that it worked then and it had brand equity. It had so much brand equity, that the XFL decided to pump it full of garbage for their Houston team! There's a simplicity there that could outlast its compatriots (which often relied on complicated illustrations and/or just looked doofy - Patriot Pat, the original Broncos' horse, the Dolphins' early design, and the static buffalo for the Bills). I can definitely get behind the former and I can see why a Houstonian would consider the latter. I was going to add Dean Corll to that list, but it's just in bad taste and is pretty thoroughly buried in the city's history (i.e., it happened in the early '70s, Gacy had a higher official kill count, and Corll's death is what set off the investigation). I know they aren't everybody's taste, but Last Podcast on the Left did an excellent series on Corll. I'm surprised that Houstonians feel that "lack of culture." You'd think there'd be some famous musicians or films local to the area, or even NASA might be part of it. That's an excellent anthropological point! It's just something intrinsic to the city, maybe more the Browns were to Cleveland (a city certainly not lacking in culture) or the Colts/Ravens were/are to Baltimore (John Waters and The Wire are two fantastic pieces of "culture"). Even Brooklyn has culture that extended far beyond the Dodgers, in ways that Houston doesn't. This is all the more reason why if Houston can't have the Oilers, nobody should have the Oilers. Same goes with the Browns, but that's mostly because I love the Ravens' identity.
  10. I like the alliteration, and if Houston can’t have the identity that’s so important to them (their first pro team, those big runs, etc.), nobody should have it! We’re in a post-branding age, so Tennessee Oilers sounds like an awful idea to me. It’s not good branding anymore for a relocated team to keep their name (the NFL in LA aside). The Brooklyn Dodgers and Milwaukee Braves’ moves kind of made that idea unpalatable for some, with the Browns/Oilers moves being the curtain call on it.
  11. It’s one of the reasons why the story of excavating Dean Corll’s body dumping ground was so horrific.
  12. Because Arte wanted to maybe leave Anaheim, which alienated a bunch of fans with that move. I’m sure many fans want to bring “Anaheim” back. It’s the name of the best team in franchise history.
  13. A less controversial unpopular opinion - T-bar stripes should come back to baseball. At the very least, those Cardinals fauxbacks should use them.
  14. They had two fire sales and never made the playoffs after 2003. It's different. Sure. The Orange Curtain still exists. The NHL isn't that much smaller than MLB. WIth a large Canadian presence, it's arguably bigger. That's snooty to say otherwise. Ok. That lacks so much local perspective and understanding that Anaheim became big-league. Not every city needs some "cultural significance" or "mystique" to be in the majors. That's elitist crap. @Still MIGHTY and the other people of Orange County would like a word with you. "Anaheim" belongs in the majors. Deal with it.
  15. Yup, that's the reaction I was expecting! I get that take, especially from people who remember it and can influence others. "Houston had a special relationship with the Oilers. You need to be from there to understand." That's a line shared with many other cities (e.g., Cleveland, Green Bay, Denver, and maybe San Diego), especially when there was a history of success. Nobody in Chicago or St. Louis gives a rat's ass about the Gridbirds, AFAIK. That's reasonable, especially when the color scheme and uniforms were so unique. The other team simply hasn't had room to grow, being a relatively-young expansion club. I can definitely see that. Agreed. Quite frankly, this @oldschoolvikings concept is the ideal Texans uniform. Not when the Jaguars and Dolphins exist. I don't know, the people at the games don't seem to mind. Honestly, just because a team doesn't reflect the city doesn't mean it was a failure. The fans in the stands seem to have accepted it (it's not a Brewers, Rams, or Padres situation) with little provocation, even if they might prefer the Oilers. The Wild was a failure (name), the Bobcats were a failure, the Texans are not AFAIK. Not when these exist: It pains me to point out the former Quakes. That's the problem. It produces the ugliness known as "floating stripes." Florida and Ohio State both downgraded with them. Sure. But it produced ugly floating stripes. Yeah, I get that you like it, but I simply don't like it as much compared to the Texans' uniforms. I love the USC stripes and the overall plainness of the Texans compared to the overdone striping/floating stripes. That's understandable, but that doesn't make it good. My guess is that it says "Houston" for memories of the past/part of the collective memory, which equals "nostalgia." You can be nostalgic for things you never experienced. Unchanged doesn't equal good. I find the Texans' logo far more compelling and an excellent adaptation of the state flag. The "Houston" angle is appreciated, but the Texans' logo does lay claim to the idea that the Texans represent all of non-Dallas-Ft. Worth Texas. I like that as a way to stick it to the hegemonic Cowboys. I get that, I really do. The football fans of Houston from your experience still have fond memories of the Oilers because they've had more success than the Texans have had (naturally, one was an expansion team while the other was an AFL original). The color scheme was unique in the NFL and the stripes were good for some (not me), but I still maintain that the Texans (or Toros, as they should have been named) have a much prettier logo and more potential for a fantastic look. Ah well, agree to disagree. This is the unpopular opinions thread, after all.
  16. Well, there you go! I really like the color distribution for the Broncos. I’d like to see Washington drop the portrait logo entirely for the “W” from the first concept. That way, the objectionable name is gone from the brand!
  17. It’s still a Native American-themed name in origin that has few other associations (like Warriors), so it goes bye-bye. I don’t care that it “links the history of the franchise,” it still goes away in favor of a local approach. What better way to get rid of the tomahawks chop? The Buffalo Braves’ logo looks more like a jet contrail than it does a feather, so no, it doesn’t count. It shouldn’t have been allowed anyway, since Buffalo never got a replacement team. Yes. The Brewers would still flip to the NL, albeit in the ‘93 expansion. They’d want Chicago games, while the AL West would get a mountain time team. The Anaheim Angels won the 2002 World Series and the Anaheim Ducks exist. Anaheim forever, LA never.
  18. Here’s my ideal MLB, from my research and opinions on how markets worked out. AL East Baltimore Orioles Boston Red Sox Chicago White Sox Cleveland Spiders (‘77 expansion) Detroit Tigers New York Yankees Toronto Blue Jays (‘77 expansion) AL West Anaheim Angels (‘61 expansion) Dallas Chaparrals (‘61 expansion team, relocated ‘72) Denver Zephyrs (‘93 expansion) Kansas City Royals (‘69 expansion) Minnesota Twins Oakland Athletics Seattle Rainiers (former Cleveland/Seattle Indians - moved in 1965, renamed in 1993) NL East Atlanta Firebirds (former Boston Braves/Milwaukee Brewers) Cincinnati Reds Montréal Expos (‘69 expansion) New York Mets (‘62 expansion) Philadelphia Phillies Pittsburgh Pirates Washington Grays (‘93 expansion) NL West Chicago Cubs Houston Astros (‘62 expansion) Los Angeles Dodgers Milwaukee Brewers (‘69 expansion) St. Louis Cardinals San Diego Padres (‘69 expansion) San Francisco Giants What I like about this alignment is that there are only 28 teams, with zero Florida clubs, no Arizona team, and relative geographic harmony. Other perks include only one team with a state name, no Native American-themed identifies, and the Expos stuck around. Even the one relocation I did add features a replacement team.
  19. I'm just getting broken images. Might I suggest transferring your work to imgur?
  20. I’m really liking it! The design feels a lot more “subdued” than the current look, which is an improvement. My one suggestion would be to put the spear on the helmet and drop the portrait logo entirely.
  21. "Wussified" implies that it's a bad thing. It is not bad at all that you can't go crazy in the old ways. Maybe you won't get things like this happening (in spoilers, as it's a car crash photo and a movie recreation): It was the most graphic example I could imagine.
  22. The Texans are one of my favorite NFL designs and I think they'd have the best "modern" NFL look if they wore a white helmet, had the red jersey as their home primary, and only wore white pants on the road. Even as they stand, I like them. Aside from the road socks, they've pretty much stuck to their guns. I like that more than the trend-chasing of other clubs.
  23. That's edited though. I have similar, relatively-unedited clips ready to go. Hearing the audio makes it so much worse.
  24. Defending Paterno should be cause for blacklisting.
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