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Everything posted by Chromatic

  1. I think people would cheer against Vegas regardless. I find it amazing how quickly the Knights changed from being the darling upstarts of the league to hated villains.
  2. What does quitting on Calgary have to do with marketability?
  3. Maybe, but this is the Canucks we're talking about. I wouldn't put anything past them. They've made inexplicable edits to the uniforms already, like removing the pants stripes. It just feels like they cannot stop themselves from messing around with the uniforms. You ever know someone who is an artist or musician or whatever, and they just don't know when to stop with something? They'll be making a song or drawing something or whatever, and they just keep adding stuff to it and making changes because its never finished in their eyes, which is what it feels like with the Canucks. The issue ties back to the 'nostalgia' thing, and the way the team has been marketing the Skate I don't know if they see that. In my experience there are three types of fans who want the skate the full time: The first are people who grew up watching the team wearing the skate and are nostalgic because of it. That's perfectly understandable, and I'm not going to begrudge them that. But basing the uniform around the nostalgia of one subsection of the fanbase is a terrible idea when you have other people nostalgic in that same fanbase for other uniforms for other eras. Hell, I'm nostalgic for the navy and maroon West Coast Express era jerseys, but I recognize they're an inferior option and you won't hear me demanding for a switch back to those. The second, and largest group from what I can tell are people who like the Skate because it’s trendy. The 90s are nostalgic, it’s the hot "new" (old) thing. When asked why they like the uniform they'll use adjective like it’s "clean", "fire" etc. These are the same people who would insist on switching back to the stick-in-rink full time when those were re-introduced in 06, or the Millionaires jersey in 2014, and will be the same people insisting on changing to something else 10 years down the line. They are extremely vocal about it and make it seem like they're a much larger group than they are. If you are handing out chocolate ice cream to a crowd of 100 people, and 10 of them start screaming about how they want strawberry ice cream while the others are just enjoying the chocolate, its going to seem like the entire crowd wants strawberry because those are the people making all the noise. The last group are people who want the skate because its "intimidating". Which is just dumb. No professional athlete is afraid of the colour of their opponents jerseys, or the logo on their chest or whatever. If that's the direction we're going we might as well rename the team to the 'Vancouver Super Skull Death Killers' so Connor McDavid is going to be frightened when he skates up the ice and sees all the extra intimidating players in their hot dog stand uniforms. Yeah but I think you're overestimating how much the people asking for it really pay attention. They made alterations to the skate logo on the current third they just introduced and pretty much none of them noticed.
  4. The black, yellow and red (orange at the time) colour scheme was reviled when it was first adopted, then they made it progressively more palatable until the late 90s when people had essentially made peace with it. Then when they dropped it completely, the general consensus was one of relief. There was some eyebrow raising at the new whale on the sweater, but a lot people happy that “blue was back”.
  5. That’s not the point. A ‘patriot’ is someone who loves their country. It’s not explicitly a minuteman. They’ve looped that identity into their name. The Canucks could have done something like that, with Johnny Canuck or something, but they chose to go with logos depicting things unrelated to their nickname. I’m not saying it’s what they should have done, but it’s an option. Right and people would argue that the ‘C’s in their logos do that, or the ‘CANUCKS’ written in the skate logo, or whatever. The problem comes back to switching logos every 10 years. Yeah that’s the point.
  6. It’s no different really than the Patriots, Yankees, Canadiens, Giants etc. The problem is they’ve changed so many times that none of the looks have ever really established preeminence. There are some terrible logos that are considered untouchable classics because they’ve been around decades and/or are associated with championships. I think it’s less the logo than it is the colours. If they switched the logos around but kept the same colour scheme/overall uniform design there would be a sense of continuity. But going from blue and green to black/red/yellow to navy and maroon to end up back at blue and green feels like you’re in a car with someone who keeps changing their destination and making erratic high speed turns when they decide they’re going somewhere else. Looking at their history they feel like completely separate teams in each logo era.
  7. And the skate has no significance beyond the fact that hockey players wear skates. And the Stick-In-Rink has no significance beyond the fact that hockey is played with a stick on a rink. Nobody is calling the orca “sacred”. I am an Orca hater. I think it’s the worst logo they have. But they also have never really had a truly “good” logo either. They’ve worn the Orca for longer than any other logo at this point. The reasoning behind the Orca being the logo is stupid, that it’s a “local” animal. But the “corporate” argument makes no sense. The business of “Orca Bay” was selling hockey tickets. The idea that they changed their logo to represent the company that owns the team in order to sell more tickets for the team is a circular fallacy. What people are more upset about is the possibility of the Canucks changing their look again for an inferior one. It has nothing to do with love for the logo, its appreciation for the overall look and exhaustion with the “identity crisis”. They look good in blue and green. It’s the closest they’ve come to “owning” a colour scheme. Them throwing it away for a dated, derived uniform is horrible brand management. But this is the Canucks we’re talking about so I shouldn’t be surprised.
  8. I have. Not many but they’re out there. The people who grew up watching the team during the West Coast express era. All it would take is for that to become trendy or nostalgic and suddenly you will have a bunch of people telling you those were the greatest Canucks uniforms of all time and they never should have switched. They’ve also abandoned that combo for decades, and with their initial colour scheme were the first team in a big 4 sport to wear the blue and green colour combo, pioneering the whole blue and green being “Pacific Northwest colours” thing. They’re the only team in the league wearing them, (if you don’t count Seattle’s faded teal as ‘green’) as opposed to one of several wearing some derivative of black-red-yellow. So I think if they’re going to have any sort of claim on a colour scheme it’s blue and green.
  9. I also live in Vancouver, and the majority of fans I encounter want them to keep the current look. The skate is seen as a fun third, but that’s what it should remain. You just don’t see a bunch of people yelling about the current uniforms because they’re the status quo. What I do see however is a vocal minority who want the skate full-time because it’s extremely trendy. Just like there were a bunch of people clamouring for them to go back to the stick-in-rink full time when those were reintroduced. Or go to the Millionaires jerseys full-time when the Canucks brought those back. This is a cyclical thing. 90s nostalgia is at its zenith right now but it will fade. And if they do go back to the Skate full time, I guarantee you within 10 years there will be another groundswell of people insisting they change back to something else. It would be as stupid a decision as any of the hockey ops ones they’ve made, and this is the Canucks we’re talking about so that’s a high bar.
  10. Can you link it? Its an "option" yes, just like the Yankees changing their colour scheme to purple and teal is an option. Everything I've seen regarding the skate has just been a small amount of extremely passionate people clamouring for it because its "sick", "fire", "clean AF", "intimidating" etc, but really because its the flavour of the month fad and even if they did go back to the skate full time, they'd demand something else later.
  11. Oh ffs can we please stop touching the Canucks jerseys. They already got rid of the green stripes on the pants. Are they trying to get rid of it entirely so they can look like the Leafs/Lightning? My biggest fear is they drop blue and green entirely in favour of the skate jerseys to appease the vocal minority of trendy mouthbreathers demanding they switch to it full time because its the flavour of the month.
  12. Yeah I actually don't mind the red for Seattle at all. There isn't a lot, but what is there does add a really strong pop of contrast to the otherwise toothpaste tube coloured jerseys. Also it helps to have a colour like red in your scheme in a market like Seattle where every other team is using some shades of variations of blue and green. Adds differentiation.
  13. The exact same colours they have now. The red is only present in their terrible logos. So if they're doing a rebrand as is being speculated, they can switch to new logos that do not have red in them. Then whatever proportions they use "Aviator Blue" and "Polar Night Blue" in on their new uniforms, it won't have red. Easy Peasy.
  14. Winnipeg can ditch the red and Seattle can change it to Salmon. Win-Win.
  15. I like the Jets jerseys. The primary logo is horrifically bad and really feels like the logo of a team that moved and changed names overnight, so needed a new crest asap. I like the concept behind the shoulder logos, but not the execution. I really like their script logo, how it reminds you of skywriting, but shouldn’t be the primary. Most importantly though, I think the double blue colour scheme is great, and it would be a tragedy if they ditched it to be another blue and red team. I would like it if they ditched red entirely to add some more distance from Seattle.
  16. You can tell this guy is perfectly sane from the look in his eyes and the fact that he's wearing a hat with his own face on it.
  17. I am among the minority that greatly prefers the ornithological bird to the cartoon. Though I think this one is better
  18. One that does annoy me a lot is "CAL" for Calgary instead of "CGY". With "CAL" my mind immediately goes to California.
  19. I agree with this. I love the colours, I love the compass rose motif. The one caveat I have is I think their script could use an update/tweak.
  20. Right, but what the discussion seems to be around is whether or not the idea itself of a Roman theme is a good idea, not the execution. That's what I was commenting on. I'm not a Senators fan, and their identity has always seemed very "meh" to me, but that has nothing to do with the Roman imagery. If anything I think it adds a bit of sorely needed flavour. I'm open to the debate about the quality of the execution. But if the argument is that they should go with a Big 'O' or a peace tower or whatever instead of the Centurion theming simply because a "Senator" isn't explicitly a Roman soldier, that's where I disagree. Its not a situation where you're depicting something completely counterintuitive to the identity. Its just not as 1 for 1 as say the Broncos using a horse head or the Jets using a roundel with a Jet in it.
  21. I have no issues with the Senators having a Roman military theme to their identity. Rising to high political office in Ancient Rome essentially required a decorated military service. The term "senator" today still invokes some level of Roman imagery. As far as I'm concerned when you have a somewhat vague name, its perfectly appropriate to lean your identity into a particular direction that may not be explicit in it, so long as whatever you're choosing to depict is not precluded from the term. For example, I think the 'Patriots' explicitly using minuteman branding, the 'Canucks' leaning into the lumberjack motif, 'Islanders' using a fisherman, 'Texans' having bull imagery' etc. 'Senators' having a Roman bent to it is fine. It gives the brand something else to latch onto beyond mere location signifiers. It would be different if it were a very explicit name that all the logos and branding depicted something wildly out of place, like the Pittsburgh Penguins using a wildebeest as their logo or something.
  22. This is more of a broad, conceptual thing, but I hate when logos that depict the nickname of a team have a subliminal reference to the nickname again. If you’re going to do that, do it with the city name, or a geographic identifier, or some totem of the team’s past or something other than the thing you’re already depicting. I find that incredibly redundant and stupid. For an example of what I mean, look at the Atlanta Falcons logo. I don’t mean to pick on the Falcons because I think their logo is fine, but it’s the first example that popped into my mind for what I’m referring to. I understand it’s a classic logo at this point and yadda yadda but from a strictly conceptual standpoint I think the “hidden” F shape the falcon takes is dumb. “We’re the falcons, so our logo is a falcon”. Okay great. “But wait, if you look closely you’ll see the falcon is in the shape of an ‘F’. For ‘Falcons’. In case you forgot we’re the Falcons.” Why? An example of the inverse of this which I have no problem with is the Vegas Golden Knights, where the negative space in the helmet forms a ‘V’, or the Wizards who have the Washington Monument inside the basketball of their logo. If you’re going to make a subtle reference to something in your logo, it makes no sense to me to also reference the thing you’re explicitly depicting.
  23. These fall into the Patriots, Falcons tier of not being great, but still being big upgrades over the previous set.
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