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Everything posted by Chromatic

  1. I was at the game tonight, and I have to say the new third looks even worse in person, the indents or whatever pattern they have on the sleeve striping just makes them look incredibly cheap, like the stripes were put on with tape. On top of that, the agency font with no white is a serious downgrade from the original block numbers. The whole uniform has the same vibe as the neon lighting of a 70s dive bar. The only good thing I have to say about it is that the mountain pattern on the collar is really cool, but of course that’s not visible when the uniform is actually being worn so it’s a moot point.
  2. Bad. Looks like the Canadian Tire/Walmart knockoff jerseys you in see the sports section for 30 bucks. Also arguably the worst part of the current Canucks identity is the number font, so of course they carried that part over.
  3. This may be unpopular, and I don't care, but the Reebok Edge jerseys weren't much worse than the jerseys preceding it because both were pretty terrible.
  4. Yeah I'm not sure how unpopular this is, but I think this might be the best in look Flyers history. I don't know what you mean by "mean and hard nosed" though, as its pretty hard for me to associate that to orange as a whole.
  5. In a vacuum, no its not that bad. However its being compared both to the previous version of that uniform, and the modern day colours, of which its a downgrade from both. But this is also the same organization that got rid of their pants stripes this year for no discernible reason other than wanting to look worse, so it seems like the Canucks are just trying to look worse for the sake of looking worse.
  6. I just hope this stays as an alternate. They don’t need to ditch the blue and green again to look like Calgary or Vegas.
  7. Is that unpopular? I thought most people loved unique captain lettering, so long as its done well.
  8. Vancouver looks great. I also think a Grizzlies-esque colour scheme could work for them as well. Great job.
  9. Of course the white facemask looks better when grey isn't actually part of your colour scheme.
  10. Honestly I feel you could say that about pretty much every Japanese prefecture's emblem.
  11. I don't think so. SFU is basically Soviet Hogwarts, so anything that could remotely be construed as problematic is a no go. That's why "Clan" got dropped in the first place.
  12. That’s their entire branding. Everything is about being “Canada’s NCAA team”.
  13. Whatever the Broncos do, I hope “Let’s Ride!” is the hanger effect on the collars.
  14. Edmonton's alternates tend to be drastically different from the team's regular branding. It's almost like they're trying soft rebrands and seeing which looks stick.
  15. In all seriousness though, these are great. I'd like to see you do full uniforms for these.
  16. Bold choice giving every team transparent uniforms.
  17. I just have to mention Clint Malarchuk. I’m sure it was brought up in the prior thread, but this is the most brutal freak injury in a major professional sports league that I’m aware of. Moments from death:
  18. I gotta say I normally can’t stand concept series about other planets or fantasy worlds or whatever. But this is the exception, these are amazing. Well done.
  19. Right but I'm speaking from a perspective of what the NBA should do from someone who is actually interested in sports aesthetics. Not what they will do from the perspective of how they can best milk every last cent out of their fanbase..
  20. I think its time the NBA gives this program a rest. Some of these are just horrific.
  21. Regardless of the striping or logos or anything, I hated the previous shade of green the Jets used so much I would take the current uniforms over them every time.
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