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Everything posted by DCarp1231

  1. Indiana is incredible work! Might just be my favorite so far… until you get to Maryland
  2. Thank you! Onto the next team- This time I went way out west… into the NFC West! San Francisco 49ers Gone is black with a heavier emphasis on the main colors of red and gold. I prefer the top option, but wanted to see how people felt about the bottom option as it mimics the correct 49ers jersey striping C&C appreciated as always!
  3. Love the melding of eras. Nicely done! Second red helmet is my favorite
  4. Yeah, was not a huge fan of the regular Nitro. Vanilla was steps ahead.
  5. Love the update! Only change I’d suggest is the number font. Even replicating the throwback font onto the primary jerseys would work.
  6. Thank you for the feedback! Here’s the Primary, Secondary, and Wordmark for the Steelers- Primary- Slightly bolder “P” is the only change Secondary- More evenly spaced steel sunrise Wordmark- Mimics the secondary PITTSBURGH STEELERS This entire set developed into a very retro-70s identity for the Steelers. Which, works well in my opinion as I wanted Pittsburgh to take on a new identity that still felt classic. Overall, I’m pretty happy with the outcome! C&C appreciated as always!
  7. IMO, the best helmet(s) in College Football belong to Oklahoma State with their Cowboys script helmets
  8. Three more drastic changes to Pittsburgh- These options omit silver in favor of emphasizing the diamond colors. Personally, my favorite is the second option C&C appreciated as always!
  9. Eagles uniforms would be Top 10 if they used a better font
  10. Thank you as always for the feedback! I’ve decided to roll with Option B with the slight adjustment of adding space between the blue and G. While it’s not the approach I was going for initially, it’s likely the best to not stray too far from the original and current logo. I also updated the wordmark. Scrapping the horrendous stencil font. Onto the next team- Again, one of those franchises that I’ve always felt needed a little update as I’ve never really been a fan of the identity. Pittsburgh Steelers First and foremost, I understand the significance of the current logo. As that may be, I still don’t like it. The team needs something new while remaining classic. The two constants throughout these options are replacing the “Steelers” with a “P” as well as removing the stars in favor of stripes. “Steel Sunrise” I’ll call it. Option A- Retains the roundel, placing the “P” up at the top with the Steel Sunrise. Circle is white. Options B1 & B2- Effectively the same, with B2 sporting a bolder “P”. Again, Steel Sunrise at the bottom, all enclosed in a Keystone shape. C&C appreciated as always!
  11. Thanks for the input! Here’s 3 more options to go along with the original (A) B- Middle ground between the roundel and current logo shape C- Attempt at mimicking the seams of a football as seen from a frontal view, as well as slightly rotating the “G” D- The same as a previous option, but the striping is thicker C&C appreciated as always!
  12. Yes, exactly. As I said on the first page, personally I’ve never been a fan of the Packers identity. Logo and all. I’d rather Green Bay have a roundel logo. That’s all there is to it.
  13. Yeah, the more I looked at the “GB” it reminded me of the Warner Bros logo. Now, I’m placing Option A against a new Option B- For the new B, I wanted to retain the new “G” and mimic the collar striping on the current uniforms
  14. Exactly what I was going for! Honestly, I may come back to the design for some touch ups, but overall I’m satisfied with the outcome. Now for the next team. Coming in at 103 years young, a lot of history behind the franchise and aiming to take on a fresh new look- The… Green Bay Packers Truth be told, I’ve never been a fan of the Packers’ current identity. For this new look, I wanted the logo to utilize the three base colors from team’s history. Dark Green, Dark Blue, and Yellow. Next, I created two different logos. That’s where I need help figuring out if either of these are the right choice or if I should go back to the drawing board C&C appreciated as always!
  15. Big win for the Nationals. Love the uniform
  16. I feel pretty good about the Texans now. I think this morphed into more of a new primary logo as time has gone on-
  17. Okay, so I like where this is going. Kept the solid orange, no interlocking and testing out inclusion of silver. However, it may be hovering into Patriots territory. Another idea I had was reforming the rocket into a lunar module by shortening the H and T tail. These past few attempts are to tie in the Texans with the Astros and Rockets as spaced themed.
  18. Titled 45°, no interlocking, making the H cross and T cross one in the same, T tail red Here’s some variations that include interlocking, varying “flame” colors, as well as color scheme variations- I feel like I may be onto something with including tan/sand This one was to see how well orange would fit into the scheme. Unsure at this point I know gradient can be a sin, but wanted to see if it could make the “flame” pop Tried out a “rustic” color scheme with the next two. Definitely at the bottom, but figured I’d give it a shot. C&C appreciated as always!
  19. Are we ever going to stop posting pictures of players immediately after they sign with or get trade to a new team? It doesn’t make any sense. Especially if said player still has years left to play, like Von Miller and Russell Wilson
  20. Plus, a new direction. Trying out an attempt at an abstract space shuttle look. Should I thin out the spacing between the H? Not sure what to do with the T either. C&C welcome!
  21. Not really feeling the sublimated flag pattern. The set could do well on its own without it. Overall, Cardinals look good!
  22. The problem with that is, the “T” looks more like an “I” Two more tries at the logo-
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