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Everything posted by DCarp1231

  1. Big 12 can retain its name if they add those six teams All the teams would be present in 12 states
  2. The Big 12 is reportedly considering adding up to six PAC 12 teams or even an all out merger. This includes at least Arizona, Arizona St, Colorado, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. https://theathletic.com/news/big-12-pac-12/xr0KkM54sW9e/?amp=1
  3. They could’ve at least tried to keep the sponsorship within the state of Pennsylvania and gotten something like “Hershey Field”
  4. Heinz Field is not renewing its naming rights with the Steelers New corporate sponsor will be announced later
  5. Ah, simpler times of modest speculation
  6. I know the team is leaning hard into the shape of the district angle, but I can’t help but think that’s a patch for a baseball team.
  7. That’s the thing. Being an Orioles fan, if you expect failure, you’ll never feel disappointment. It’s not that I’m excited for the team, it’s how they’ve been treated as the scum of and bad for baseball by Buster Olney (and I’m sure other, less vocal, members of sports media). So anything good they accomplish should feel like a slap to the face to those who relegate them as trash. What the Orioles (and Mariners) have accomplished in their past 10 games is better for baseball than anything the Yankees and Dodgers have done with their billion dollar rosters.
  8. The Orioles, playing in arguably the toughest division in baseball, are two games below .500, currently sitting at a 7-game winning streak, and sit only 3 games behind the second wildcard spot. I hope Buster Olney is somewhere eating his own :censored:.
  9. Anniversary patches for Washington-
  10. The re-introduction of silver pants does elevate their current look. At the very least, it’s Top 15.
  11. The “interlocking” halves of the roundel separated by the white stripe. I love that.
  12. I don’t like the Expos main logo but the roundel was promising
  13. Colorado is still my favorite San Diego has the preliminary second spot
  14. I mean, the show is from 2000 and comic book characters routinely go through changes almost every year.
  15. Introduced in the early 90s, he became popular due to the success of popular early 2000s animated series, Static Shock.
  16. Ally’s partnership with DC Comics and Milestone giving Alex Bowman a paint scheme that feature’s the comic book hero, Static-
  17. They could’ve at least tried a silhouette of Paul Revere riding his horse logo
  18. Worst case scenario is the Jazz winning a title with these before they can get rid of them and opting not to trash them because “good luck” or whatever horrendous superstitious excuse they’d use
  19. I’ve done it quite a lot. Usually, it’s just easier to drop this meme to get the point across- (titled mocking SpongeBob)
  20. It’s meant to portray mocking
  21. For as much as I want that jersey to be the Cowboys primary white, I cannot stand how the star touches the blue sleeve cap
  22. So the Pat Patriots are just Oilers Condensed
  23. If I’m reading all this correctly, you seem to want blank uniforms. Solid colors and no differentiating designs. Either you’re really grasping at straws or you’re in the midst of an existential crisis.
  24. Other than numbers being required on a jersey. So no, having eight 8s on a jersey isn’t redundant. They’ve relaxed some rules where four of the 8s aren’t required. Still not redundant with what’s left, because it’s required. Logos on jerseys are most definitely not required. So yes, it is redundant for logos to appear on both helmet and jersey.
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